OPEN CALL: IE and JLL Design Wonder High Potential Award

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Master in Business for Architecture and Design

Christine Espinosa

About me

I discovered IE University a few years ago after participating in online masterclasses and immediately knew I wanted to complete a master’s degree there. After a series of life interruptions, I decided to pursue a master’s degree and was awarded the IE Women's Leadership Scholarship for the Master in Business for Architecture and Design.

shapeChristine Espinosa
case2Master’s student
studentMaster in Business for Architecture and Design
Christine Espinosa | IE A&D

"Through the Master in Business for Architecture and Design, I have discovered who I am, what I want, and why that matters."

Christine Espinosa

Balancing life and work

Christine Espinosa is a force to be reckoned with. As a mother of two and the primary breadwinner for her family, she has had to find the perfect balance between her two main roles—as an architect and a mother. She is also an advisor for Cityscape WIRE (women in real estate), a speaker for real estate and sustainability supporting students in the United Arab Emirates and the Philippines, a member of the HWU-Architecture Industry Advisory Board (AIAB), and a mentor to architecture students with a passion for painting and sketching. As a result, she fits in more than most in 24 hours!

The Master in Business for Architecture and Design has been particularly impactful for Christine. She feels that she has grown as a person, learning how to give and receive feedback and creative criticism. Participation in daily online forums, in combination with coming up with concepts and testing open-ended ideas, has been important to Christine’s future career progression, extending to her personal life. Putting theory into practice is one of the most satisfying aspects of the master’s program. The structure of the Master in Business for Architecture and Design has provided Christine with access to a number of different networks within the architectural, real estate and construction industries.

“Those of us in the fields of architecture, design, and business can take pride in knowing that our efforts contribute to a better world for future generations. It is not our race, our gender, or our place of employment that determines our success in life; rather, it is our talent, creativity, and skill.”

The question surrounding favorite projects is an interesting one for Christine. Regardless of the project, she finds that since design processes are constantly evolving, she enjoys projects that focus on broader community benefits the most. In short, whatever project she is currently working on becomes her favorite, serving as a source of inspiration and learning. 

Looking towards the future, Christine is excited by new prospects fostered by her network, built on at IE University. She has a lot of hope for the future of the sector and is looking forward to being able to share her knowledge with others, whether they are architectural students, members of her professional team, or women who work in the industry. She believes that patience is a virtue, and the younger generation should focus on this moving forward.

With a diverse classroom full of like-minded individuals, Christine notes that there are constantly things you will learn about yourself. One of the most impactful takeaways for Christine is the realization that there is so much that individuals can do to help shape brighter futures for new generations. All that is needed is an open mind!