After studying Intercultural Communication, Political Science and Sports and acquiring a Ph.D., Jochen Müller worked for almost 10 years as a journalist in Germany, France, Belgium and the US. He then joined the EU Institutions in 2005 where he has held various positions:
- 2005-2007: as a communication officer in the European Commission service for information society (covering subjects like the Roaming Regulation, ICT research, the MEDIA programme or the launch of the web domain name “”.eu””),
- 2007-09: as the manager of pan-European communication campaigns for the European Agency for Safety and Health at work,
- 2009-2012: as coordinator of the spokesperson service at the Council of the EU, spokesperson for COREPER II Councils (Foreign Affairs, Economic and Financial Affairs, General Affairs and Justice and Home Affairs) as well as for the EU Counter-terrorism coordinator, Gilles de Kerchove
- 2012-present: as political counsellor at the Representation of the European Commission in Spain. Jochen Müller teaches at different universities.
At IE, he is teaching:
- International Unplugged III: The European Union: an introduction
- EU Simulation: The EU Legislative Procedure Experienced
- Intercultural Management and Business Communication
- The EU and the European Economy
Last name
Adjunct Professor