Alide Flores

Alide Flores

About me

I was born in Mexico City but spent many years of my life living abroad in the United States, Switzerland and Spain. This helped me develop a deep interest in celebrating the uniqueness of different cultures. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, traveling and learning—I love to stay up-to-date with current events. I also thrive on challenges, so have taken up Arabic as my third language. I am a disciplined and independent individual, eager to learn, prosper professionally and help those around me.

shapeAlide Flores
studentMaster in International Relations
Alide Flores

"As a woman who has dedicated most of my studies in international affairs, collaborating with an organization that has gone through so many changes over the years and has worked on benefiting many countries and societies was a dream come true."

Alide Flores

Participating in the OAS program to make a difference

Having earned her bachelor’s degree in international relations, Alide decided to take the plunge and earn her Master in International Relations at IE University. As she had already lived and studied in the US, and heard great things about IE University, she decided the change could be exactly what she needed. So she took the plunge and moved to Spain.

Alide has devoted numerous years to the field of international affairs as a firm believer in the importance and strength of international cooperation for a better future. As such, the opportunity to visit Brussels as an IE University student and attend conferences with incredible speakers such as Ban Ki-moon and UNESCO representatives was what really caught her eye. 

After graduating from IE University, Alide had the opportunity to work for the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington DC as part of the OAS-IE Americas Fellowship Program. During her time there, she was a consultant for the Department of Effective Public Management and Cultural Diplomacy. She collaborated in many OAS/SG flagship initiatives and most proudly, published an essay for the Art Museum of the Americas of the OAS based on the significance of a mural painted by the Uruguayan painter, Carlos Paéz. 

“My overall experience at IE University can be summed in one word: amazing. I can't say that it wasn’t challenging at times, but every sacrifice has its benefit.”

Alide Flores

Only a few blocks from the White House, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, Alide was part of an organization that truly understands how multilateral organizations work. As a woman who has dedicated her studies to international affairs, collaborating with an organization that has overcome many challenges over the years and that has worked on benefiting many countries and societies has been a dream come true for Alide.

Her time at OAS highlighted how international cooperation is not as easy as the textbooks put it. Instead, Alide understands international cooperation as an ongoing process requiring a great quantity of time and patience. However, it’s also a process that’s worth that time and effort. 

Based in a city with uninterrupted movement, Alide was surrounded by opportunities. There is constantly something happening, ranging from conferences from think tanks like the Wilson Institute, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and The Washington Institute for Near East Policy to social events at embassies. Alide was lucky enough to be in DC during the World Bank Annual Meetings,  so she had the opportunity to attend the diverse conferences as an observer. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

Attending IE University gave Alide the essential tools for success and opened up many doors for her. However, to climb her mountain of ambition, Alide was driven by her discipline and determination from within.

To someone else considering the Master in International Relations and the OAS-IE Americas Fellowship program, Alide would emphasize the importance of balancing work, school and a social life. To Alide, life is not only about professional accomplishments, but also the people you meet along the way. Besides the many opportunities that IE University provided Alide, she also met incredible people who she now considers family. 

Alide’s time at IE University was challenging but it was also a time where she learned, debated, laughed, traveled and most importantly, enjoyed.

Alide Flores
Alide Flores
Alide Flores