Basel Al Hussien
Although I am a Jordanian national, I was born and raised in Kuwait, and am currently living in the United Arab Emirates. Here, I work as Dubai Branch Manager for the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC). I see myself as an understanding and supportive person who is motivated by inspiration and accomplishment, and I am passionate about innovative solutions and creative thinking.
“The Executive Master for International Trade is one of the best tailored programs offered by a prominent institution.”
During his 19-year career journey, Basel has enjoyed a rich and diverse professional experience. Starting out as a customer service officer at Arab Bank in Jordan, he went on to become a Credit Analyst, and eventually, a Credit Relationship Manager. This led him to reach his current position with ITFC.
Basel saw working at the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC) as a golden opportunity that was key in developing the skills and expertise needed in his career path. For him, ITFC has created one of the best innovation environments for its employees, through sponsoring their development and enabling access to educational and training programs.
Basel believes his creativity is his greatest strength. During his time at ITFC, he made great advances in the area of Islamic finance, which were recognized with international awards from Islamic Finance News, Euromoney and Global Trade Review. He then proudly succeeded in developing a new financing product—the “Supplier’s Finance Scheme”—that’s compliant with Islamic shari’ah law and offers an effective alternative to traditional banks.
“I have a passion for innovative solutions and creative thinking, and this passion anchored my motivation to develop several innovative solutions throughout my career.”
When asked why he enrolled in the EMIT program, Basel said that self-development has always been important to him, in terms of both career progression and academia. He found the Executive Master in International Trade to be one of the best tailored programs offered by a prominent institution, as it is aimed at ambitious people who are looking for a rich educational experience. This curriculum was also the most relevant to Basel’s field of work.
Basel thinks that international trade organizations should take a more active role in education and training, and develop specialized executive courses. These would equip trade professionals with well-rounded knowledge and expertise, in order for them to be able to thrive in global trade and international business.