amanada amable | IE

Diana Amable

About me

I was born and have lived in Ghana all my life. In many ways, it was a challenging place to grow up, but it has driven my desire to excel at whatever I commit to. This determination helped me finish as the best student in my high school cohort and as the valedictorian for the 2022 graduating class of the University of Ghana’s College of Education. After graduation, I served as a teaching assistant as part of my national service before becoming a research assistant, helping children learn to read in their first language. I love empowering people—especially girls and underprivileged communities—to reach their full potential. That’s why I’m so excited to be studying at IE University, gaining the tools I need to give back to my community.

shapeDiana Amable
case2Master’s student
studentMaster in International Development
amanda amable | IE

"Gaining admission to IE University is a dream come true for me. It is an exciting experience studying in a highly diverse environment such as the IE Community."

Diana Amable

Empowering others to reach their potential

One of Diana’s motivations for studying at IE University was her lifelong love for education. After growing up in a society where priority is often given to educating boys over girls, Diana Ewoenam Amable has always had a keen sense of the value of education. Her childhood experiences mean she understands the importance of empowering girls and other less privileged minorities, helping them achieve their full potential as a way to help society as a whole progress. This drive to expand access to education led Diana to consider the Master in International Development.

Raised in a polygamous family in Ghana, Diana was always aware of the limits placed on her educational opportunities. Coupled with the extreme financial constraints she faced, the idea of higher education abroad seemed like a distant dream. That’s why receiving the Ghanaian Young Talented Leaders Scholarship Program was so meaningful for Diana: it was the realization of a long-held wish. Not only did it open the door to her studying the Master in International Development at IE University, it also gave her the chance to work towards her goal of empowering others through education. 

The Ghanaian Young Talented Leaders Scholarship Program is the result of an agreement signed between the IE Foundation and the Ghana scholarship Secretariat (GSS). It provides funding for outstanding Ghanaians to study at IE University, with the hope that this will give them the tools to generate positive impact in their communities. 

Competition is fierce, with only nine scholarships awarded per year for three years, to study two specific master’s degree programs: the Master in International Development and the Master in Real Estate Development. Successful candidates have an outstanding academic background, reside in Ghana and are committed to both their professional development and their country’s future. 

As someone who has always taken every opportunity to work hard and inspire others, the scholarship seemed the perfect match for Diana. She completed her Bachelor in Education at the top of her class before entering her mandatory year of service to her nation. During that time, Diana worked as a teaching assistant in the Teacher Education department of the University of Ghana. She enjoyed engaging with students, helping them better understand course content and realize the greatness within themselves. 

Diana later worked as a research assistant at World Vision Ghana. There, she had the opportunity to draw on her own experience as a young girl with a thirst for knowledge, participating in the Unlock Literacy program. It was designed to help children, especially those in rural areas, improve their reading skills in their own native languages. 

My dream to study at IE University would have been impossible without the intervention of the Ghana Scholarship Secretariat and the IE Foundation.”

She also volunteered as an editorial assistant with Readers and Leaders, a local NGO that produces magazines to promote a reading culture and leadership development in children. Her responsibilities included creating and editing educational content for children in Ghana. With her ambition to work in education and development, Diana gave her all to these opportunities as she saw them as important steps on her journey toward her future career.

Now pursuing her Master in International Development at IE University, Diana has thoroughly enjoyed the experience of studying in such a highly diverse learning environment. The chance to meet people from all backgrounds and walks of life and make great friends has been an added bonus. Her favorite class so far has been Adaptive Leadership and Community Empowerment. She notes that not only does it relate directly to her interests, but it also aligns with her ambition to give back to society by empowering girls to find their voices and occupy the spaces meant for them.

With so much to learn, Diana hasn't had a chance to explore much of Madrid yet. However, she has been stunned by what a beautiful city it is, full of art and architecture; she looks forward to exploring more soon. 

Diana is a first-generation student—the first person in her family to study abroad. Her journey to this master’s degree has been made possible thanks to the IE Foundation and the Ghanaian Young Talented Leaders Scholarship Program. Diana has enjoyed every step of this educational and professional progress so far and urges anybody considering it to take the plunge. “Be optimistic about the application process and put in your best effort; the demands of the process have proven worth it.”