Dina Dajani | IE School of Global and Public Affairs

Dina Dajani

About me

Being originally Palestinian and growing up in an unstable area such as the Middle East has definitely impacted me as a person; my personality, my perspective on life, my way of thinking, my relationships with various people and my future goals. In addition, as a person I am very passionate about helping people and contributing to society at the individual, community, and international level. As a result, my future plans aim at advancing positive change.

I have found my involvement in the Cycling4Gaza initiative tremendously rewarding, further pushing me to pursue a career that has a social impact. Here I am now completing my master’s degree in International Relations at IE: a perfectly diverse and inspiring environment where I am gaining knowledge from my awesome professors, generating ideas with my incredible classmates, and learning more about myself and how I could transfer this passion into the real world!

shapeDina Dajani
case2Master’s student, Cycling4Gaza - Executive Lead
studentMaster in International Relations
Dina Dajani | IE School of Global and Public Affairs

"Life is a journey, not a destination"

Dina Dajani

I am driven by my purpose to create positive change whether it be at the individual, community, or international level. My passion is to make a difference in someone’s life. In this regard, I have spent the past 15 years on a journey of self-discovery; trying to figure out how and where I want to channel this passion.

I am originally Palestinian, born and raised in Jordan. I’ve also lived in Canada, Spain, the UAE, and India. Throughout my journey, I’ve worked in different sectors; private corporate firms, NGOs, social enterprises and international organizations. Every personal, educational, and professional experience has taught me something new that essentially led me on to the next adventure.

One life changing experience that had a huge impact on me was joining the Cycling4Gaza (C4G) Executive Committee. Along with 2 other women from the Middle East, I mobilize 50 cyclists from across the world every year to cycle 400km in 4 days and raise awareness and funds for children’s development in Gaza. Having organized the last 4 cycles in the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, and USA, my contributions have led to mobilizing 200 individuals and raising USD 1,000,000 in funds, impacting the lives of 6,500 adults and children in Gaza.

As I found these experiences to be deeply meaningful and rewarding, I was motivated to leave the corporate world, my family business, and pursue a career that has a social impact. This dream started at IE, where I did my master’s in International Relations. I am now in Bangalore, India, consulting for a social enterprise with a focus on creating livelihoods for marginalized women. Inspired by my professors and changed by my classmates at IE, my journey continues…

Here is a video that I used as part of my IE application, showing how I cycled my path of self-discovery.

Dina Dajani | IE School of Global and Public Affairs