Dora Brobanovic | IE GPA

Dora Bobanović

About me

I was born in Canada to Croatian parents. When I was 11, we moved from Montreal to Paris, France, where I graduated with my International Baccalaureate (IB). I studied for my bachelor's degree in science at Maastricht University in the Netherlands; I’d describe it as a liberal arts program, but for sciences. I’ve realized that the subjects I enjoy the most are those that have a multidisciplinary approach, which is why I chose to do my Master in International Development at IE University. The program is interdisciplinary, international, innovative and interactive—it’s surpassed all my expectations. I love the vibrancy of Madrid and the friends I’ve made in such a short period. Coming here is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

shapeDora Bobanović
case2Master’s student
studentMaster in International Development
Dora Brobanovic | IE GPA

"I truly believe that in today’s world, we need to tackle issues through the collaboration of different fields, because no problem is one-sided and an interdisciplinary way of thinking is crucial."

Dora Bobanović

An interdisciplinary approach to global issues

Dora Bobanović grew up and studied in several different places around the world and now, at the age of 23, considers herself a global citizen. She was born in Halifax, Canada and later moved to Montreal before setting new roots in Paris, France. Dora speaks three languages—Croatian, English and French—and learned some Spanish in high school. 

She started working on her bachelor's degree in food science and nutrition at McGill University but soon realized it wasn’t the right fit for her. So Dora switched focus and moved to the Netherlands to pursue the Maastricht Science Programme, which she describes as “a liberal arts program, but for sciences.” It allowed her to study a unique mix of subjects in a wide range of fields including chemistry, astrophysics, philosophy, art conservation and sustainable development. 

Dora has many interests and says she sometimes finds it difficult to “stick to just one path.” That’s why she thrives when she can study courses that utilize an interdisciplinary approach. Her bachelor’s thesis, for instance, was in art conservation—bringing together her interest in art and chemistry. Dora still takes this broad perspective to life, believing that today’s global issues can only be tackled through collaboration. “No problem is one-sided and an interdisciplinary way of thinking is crucial,” she notes.

Halfway through her bachelor’s degree, Dora started work as an online community manager for Yes Theory: a YouTube Channel that believes life’s greatest moments and connections happen when we step outside our comfort zone. Now, her role includes writing a weekly newsletter and working on their biggest project yet—a documentary on Anders Hofman, the first person to complete an Ironman long-distance triathlon in Antarctica.

In searching for a master’s program, Dora wanted something that would keep the modern tone set by her undergraduate experience. She was looking for a program that incorporated contemporary approaches to teaching and learning, all while preparing her for today’s world; something international, innovative, interactive and interdisciplinary. Her search brought her to IE University and, specifically, the Master in International Development. 

She was excited to learn that this unique master’s degree was designed in collaboration with the renowned United Nations System Staff College. What’s more, Dora was intrigued by the program’s Immersion Week in Geneva, where she would get to learn from and work directly with leading professionals in international organizations like the United Nations. This sealed the deal for Dora, noting that this “incredible opportunity” confirmed that she “definitely made the right choice.”

“My favorite thing about IE University is the fact that my classes reflect what is happening today in the world.”

So far, Dora’s favorite thing about IE University is that her classes reflect what’s happening in the real world today. She also feels lucky to have professors that work in the same areas they teach, explaining that studying among such a diverse community of students and professors has expanded her mindset. Dora particularly enjoyed the Political Economy of Climate Change class, which has made her think about the topic in a completely new way. Further, her Human Rights classes taught her more about conflict and women’s rights while featuring some exceptional guest speakers.

Dora has fallen in love with Madrid, especially watching the sunset at the Temple of Debod and taking a stroll around Retiro. She describes the city as full of life, with kind people and amazing food. She also admits that IE University has surpassed all her expectations and joining the Master in International Development has been the best decision she’s made. Although it’s only been two months, she’s formed some incredible friendships and can’t wait to discover all the program will offer in the next few months. This global citizen has truly found her home at IE University

Dora Brobanovic | IE GPA
Dora Brobanovic | IE GPA
Dora Brobanovic | IE GPA