Florian Sejko | IE

Florian Sejko

About me

Although both my parents were born in Albania, I was born and raised in Italy. My upbringing in the small town of Monza—famous for the Formula 1 circuit and not much else—helped me develop a calm approach to life that has come in handy during stressful situations. I’ve always had a passion for numbers but it took me a while to find my professional niche. Now, I’m working toward a career in economics, where I can have a real impact on society.

shapeFlorian Sejko
case2Master’s student
studentMaster in Applied Economics
Florian Sejko | IE

"The company visits and workshops organized by IE University are helping me not only in terms of competencies but also in understanding what an economist does."

Florian Sejko

A love of numbers and a passion for debate come together for an impactful career

Florian Sejko has always been driven by his curiosity, his passion for numbers and his pursuit of objective truth. However, his career path didn’t become clear to him until later in life. When he was young, his love of numbers drew him toward architecture or engineering, but when he had the chance to work in these fields, they didn’t turn out the way he expected.

Inspiration for his ideal career path came from a different hobby: debating. Florian always found debating enjoyable because of its dynamic and unpredictable nature. He was even part of the Italian national team in his youth. Through this experience, he discovered an interest in policy and politics—and the power of well-crafted ideas to create impactful change. 

His desire to have an impact on the world around him while still pursuing his passion for numbers eventually pushed Florian toward economics. While completing an undergraduate degree in economics and management, he continued to hone his debating skills and keep a close eye on the political landscape. After his bachelor’s degree, he decided to dip his toes into the professional world, to get a taste of the different career options available.

After graduation, Florian embarked on a path full of diverse experiences. He started out working in auditing, then co-founded a fintech startup before joining a venture capital company. While each experience brought valuable lessons, he still longed to have a greater impact. He felt drawn toward a career in the public sector, but lacked the educational qualifications and skills required.

“The professors are not only super qualified, but tailor every lecture to real-life scenarios.”

  • Florian Sejko | IE
  • Florian Sejko | IE
  • Florian Sejko | IE

This prompted Florian to explore the next stage of his education: a master’s degree at a reputable university with a hands-on approach to learning. When he found the Master in Applied Economics at IE University, he knew he had discovered the program he wanted—one that would help him apply economic theory to real situations where he could have an impact.

Now, Florian finds himself in a stimulating environment guided by professors who “are not only super qualified, but who tailor every lecture to real-life scenarios.” He especially enjoys the practical opportunities offered through company visits and workshops. In his words, these opportunities help him gain experience “not only in terms of competencies but also in understanding what an economist does.” 

The international atmosphere at IE University is one of the program’s greatest assets, according to Florian. Economics, he points out, isn't about one-size-fits-all answers; it's about diverse perspectives and understanding the nuances of different global contexts. He explains, “If there’s one thing that debate has taught me, it’s that hearing different sides of the story can help you understand more complex scenarios—and this is exactly what happens in and out of the classroom at IE University.” This constant exchange of ideas fuels his own critical thinking and broadens his worldview.

While he still isn’t sure about his exact path after graduation, Florian is confident of one thing: the Master in Applied Economics has equipped him with the skills and insights to make a difference in the world. And he won't be alone. He sees his diverse and driven classmates embarking on similar journeys toward impactful careers, each bringing their unique talents and perspectives to the table.