Herman Johansen | IE GPA

Herman Johansen

About me

I was born and raised in the oldest city in Norway, which is called Tønsberg and the surrounding islands of Tjøme and Nøttery. Growing up on the ocean, I was living a lovely archipelago lifestyle, including exposure to marine life, boat trips with and without overnight pauses, and fishing. My upbringing gave me an appreciation for travel and an insatiable thirst for new experiences, which I still value significantly to date.

shapeHerman Johansen
studentMaster in International Relations
Herman Johansen | IE GPA

“I chose IE University for my master’s partly because of its well-known connections to influential organizations like the United Nations, OECD, NATO, and others.”

Herman Johansen

A world traveler pursuing a Master in International Relations

After completing his education and working professionally in international business and technology, Herman Johansen was eager to broaden his understanding of global dynamics. That sparked his interest in pursuing a Master of International Relations at IE University.

Herman earned a Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship from the University of Oslo in Norway before moving to Barcelona to work for Hewlett Packard Enterprise as an Inside Account Manager.  In this role, he worked with a team to enhance clients' IT capabilities by developing new products for the government and national security markets. After two and a half years, his manager offered him the chance to lead the Norwegian team in Barcelona for six months.

Herman decided to pursue his master's degree at IE University largely because of the institution’s international renown and its ties to prominent global organizations such as the United Nations, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and NATO. 

Courses in the Master in International Relations program are structured to provide students with transferable knowledge and abilities that will serve them well in their chosen professions, with the links between the university and these and other multilateral institutions being highlighted through real-world case studies and a practical approach that addresses current global challenges. International Relations Theory and Strategy, one course that provides a perfect example of that approach, was Herman's favorite part of the program.

He says this part of the program is challenging for someone with little mathematical and algebraic skills and no background in political science. However, it was fascinating to him to study the development of strategic models, and examine major historical events to forecast geopolitical consequences.

Herman Johansen | IE GPA
Herman Johansen | IE GPA
Herman Johansen | IE GPA

Another element of the program Herman is particularly interested in was Public Policy Design, where he has enjoyed learning about the different stakeholders, and institutions that comprise the public policy ecosystem. Here, students learn to shape public policy, which has far-reaching effects on individuals, nations, and the global community.

More broadly, one of the best parts of Herman's experience at IE University has been getting to know people from many different cultural backgrounds. His class of 50 students includes people from around 17 other nations. With everyone having a unique perspective and an empathetic understanding of the experiences of others, Herman has been inspired to develop deeper connections with faculty and fellow students alike.

He says his class’s ability to work together is strong, but he has also built connections with people outside of class too. For Herman, these interactions have broadened his perspective and opened many doors for him both in his education and professional pursuits. Other IE University students' knowledge and level have been outstanding, he says, also complimenting everyone at the university on being open and curious about each other.

When it comes to extracurricular activities, he’s certainly been busy. Enrolled in the Tennis Club, he plans to participate in upcoming social activities organized by the club's ambassadors. And he’s greatly enjoying Madrid, commenting on its stunning boulevards, historic buildings, and various cultural and social activities. He finds that the city's energy comes primarily from the many exciting venues where people can enjoy great music activities, such as Jazz Month, its wonderful food, good company, and spectacular festivals.

Overall, he concludes, IE University is “a great place to be,” and his Master in International Relations is a “fantastic” program. We’re delighted he’s having such a positive experience with us!

Herman Johansen | IE GPA
Herman Johansen | IE GPA
Herman Johansen | IE GPA