Ida Kjønø Olsen | IE School of Politics, Economics & Global Affairs

Ida Kjønø Olsen

About me

My name is Ida and I’m from Stavanger, Norway. Even though I’m not yet 100% sure exactly what direction I want to take my career, I am very motivated to find a job that has a positive impact on the community and the people around me. In my free time, I enjoy being active, cooking and spending time with friends and family.

shapeIda Kjønø Olsen
case2Master’s student
studentMaster in International Relations
Ida Kjønø Olsen | IE School of Politics, Economics & Global Affairs

"So far, the master’s program has been a great experience. It is definitely a busy year, but very rewarding and I have met so many amazing people."

Ida Kjønø Olsen

The Master in International Relations: helping her find her path

Ida Kjønø Olsen was no stranger to Madrid when she enrolled in the Master in International Relations; she had already completed a bachelor’s degree in international relations in the city and then decided that she wanted to continue her education at IE University. There were a number of factors that drew Ida to IE University, such as the great networking opportunities and the institution’s practical approach to learning, among others.

In particular, Ida was keen to take part in a program that would allow her to complete a practical final project—and the Master in International Relations does exactly that. Through the Capstone Project—which is one of two choices that students enrolled in the program have as their final project, the other being a research-based thesis—students have the opportunity to work on a real-life consultancy project with one of our renowned partners, which include the OECDUNESCO and UNICEF. As Ida sees it, this will give her “a preview of what life after the master’s program could look like.”

Not only that, Ida has the opportunity to enhance her international profile. Already making her mark as a global citizen, as a Norwegian living in Spain, Ida also took part in two exchanges during her undergraduate studies—one in San Diego, the other in London. Now, on the Master in International Relations, she will be adding another country to her global repertoire, with the Immersion Week field trip to Brussels, which forms an important part of her program. There, she will visit institutions such as the European Commission and the European Parliament, giving her valuable access to some of the key players in the world of international relations.

  • Ida Kjønø Olsen | IE School of Politics, Economics & Global Affairs
  • Ida Kjønø Olsen | IE School of Politics, Economics & Global Affairs

“I wanted to study at IE University because of their great networking opportunities and the more practical approach.”

The Master in International Relations program is designed so that Ida can personalize her journey according to her goals and preferences. Ida isn’t yet completely clear on what she wants to do when she graduates, and the vast number of choices available to her can sometimes seem overwhelming. However, she has many different people and resources available to her at IE University that can help her make the best decisions regarding her own personal journey. Thanks to the IE Talent & Careers team, as well as insightful conversations with her peers, Ida has been able to “figure out and narrow down” what she wants to do after graduation.

Looking back on her other experiences so far at IE University, Ida comments, “So far, it has been a great experience.” It is a busy year for Ida, and the program demands a lot of its students, but she describes it as “very rewarding,” and highlights the “amazing” people that she has met. With her Capstone Project upcoming, and graduation now in sight, we look forward to seeing where Ida’s journey takes her next. Whatever and wherever it is, she’ll be ready to make a positive impact!