Elaine Zhang

Weiming (Elaine) Zhang’ primary research interests are sustainable finance and empirical asset pricing. Her work “ESG Preference, Institutional Trading, and Stock Return Patterns”, which investigates the impact of ESG on stock returns, has comprehensive media coverage, and is forthcoming the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. The paper also won the 2019 AAM-CAMRI Prize in Asset Management, and got the Alternative Risk Premia Research Grant of the Paris–Dauphine House of Finance and Unigestion. In addition, her papers, which study the interaction between sustainable finance and different asset classes, have been presented in major finance conferences such as American Finance Association annual meeting, Western Finance Association annual meeting, European Finance Association annual meeting.

Elaine received her Ph.D. degree in 2022 from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.  During her Ph.D. study, she presented at more than 20 international conferences, and won two best paper awards. She received her bachelor degree from CUHK business school and is a CFA Charterholder. Elaine also has professional experience as a quant researcher at hedge fund.

Academic Experience

• Assistant Professor of Finance, IE Business School, Spain, 2022 - Present

Academic Background

• Ph.D. in Finance, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2022

• B.Sc. in Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2017

Corporate Experience

• Quantitative Researcher, LIM Advisors Limited, Hong Kong, Jul 2017 - Dec 2017


3- Good Health and Well-Being

12- Responsible Consumption and Production

13- Climate Action