Nikolina Židek is Adjunct Professor at IE School of International Relations where she teaches Public Opinion and Political Communication and Eastern Europe after the Fall of the Berlin Wall.
She is also an invited lecturer at the Advanced Study Course in Human Rights and Genocides, Universidad del Museo Social Argentino (UMSA) in cooperation with Luisa Haraibedian Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Dr. Židek holds a PhD in political science from the Complutense University in Madrid and a Masters degree in International Studies from the Diplomatic School of Madrid in cooperation with the Complutense University.
Before entering the academia Dr. Židek was previously working for 12 years as Croatian professional diplomat. She was posted in Croatian Embassies in Madrid (Cultural and Press Attachée) and Buenos Aires (Head of Consular Section, also in charge of Culture and Emigration).
Her areas of expertise are transitional justice and human rights, memory politics, the Balkans, and processes of democratization.
Currently, her main research interest is focused on the intergenerational transmission of memory among members of the Croatian post- World War Two diaspora in Argentina.
She is also external associate of Documenta – Center for Dealing with the Past, main Croatian NGO for human rights.