IE School of Global and Public Affairs Signs a Partnership with the Organization of American States (OAS)

Thanks to this agreement, these organizations will join forces to identify emerging talent and build the skills of a future generation of public leaders for the Americas.

Madrid, 15 November 2019. IE School of Global and Public Affairs and the Organization of American States (OAS) have established a partnership to strengthen education and innovation, public policy and human development in the Americas.

Manuel Muñiz and Luis Almagro signing the new agreement in Washington

According to this cooperation agreement, an OAS-IE Americas Fellowship program will be created to identify and train emerging talent with high-potential impact from American states. The Americas Fellows, up to 8 per year, will study the Master in International Relations at the IE School of Global and Public Affairs in Spain and will develop an applied project to address so me practical challenges posed by the OAS. During their studies, the students will also participate in an immersion week in Washington DC and, after graduation, will enjoy a remunerated working stay at the OAS Headquarters in Washington DC for up to 3 months, in which they will conduct research on political, public and international affairs in the Americas.

Specific research areas may include sustainable development, democracy, global trade, security, international public policy, governance of emerging technologies, human rights, or any other strategic topic that may be relevant for the OAS or its member states. By the end of their fellowship, the Fellows must produce a publishable research paper or policy report, and present their key results and recommendations to decision-makers at OAS. The agreement also includes the engagement of OAS officials in the delivery of the master.

OEA Secretary-General Luis Almagro highlighted that the OAS School of Governance will play a key role in the agreement with IE University through its four strategic lines of action: Education, Communities, Research and Impact. "This agreement is a key step toward the advancement of these strategic lines and the strengthening of transatlantic ties between Latin America and the European continent –with Spain as the gateway to Europe," said Secretary-General Almagro.

“This agreement is a key step toward the advancement of these strategic lines and the strengthening of transatlantic ties between Latin America and the European continent –with Spain as the gateway to Europe.”

For his part, the Dean of the IE School of Global and Public Affairs, Manuel Muñiz, emphasized how important this partnership will be in providing graduate students with opportunities to learn more about the Americas, the Inter-American governance system and its many activities. “Our students will be able to learn from OAS faculty, visit DC and, ultimately, work in the fast-paced and thrilling environment of a multilateral institution at the heart of regional governance in the Americas”, he added.

The OAS-IE Americas Fellows must be citizens from an OAS member or observer state, demonstrate excellent communication skills in two official languages of the OAS (preferably English and Spanish), and be admitted in the Master in International Relations at IE School of Global and Public Affairs.


 The Organization of American States (OAS) is the world’s oldest regional organization, dating back to the First International Conference of American States (1889-1890). The OAS came into being in 1948 to achieve among its member states “an order of peace and justice, to promote their solidarity, to strengthen their collaboration, and to defend their sovereignty, their territorial integrity, and their independence." Today, the OAS brings together all 35 independent states of the Americas and constitutes the main political, juridical, and social governmental forum in the Hemisphere. Besides, it has granted permanent observer status to 69 states, as well as to the European Union.