IE School of Politics Economics and Global Affairs hosts the First IE-Rochester Workshop in Political Economy and International Relations

IE School of Politics Economics and Global Affairs hosts the First IE-Rochester Workshop
The conference brought together a select group of scholars from top social science departments in Europe and the United States.

IE School of Politics, Economics and Global Affairs hosted the first IE University-Rochester Workshop in Political Economy and International Relations, a successful gathering of acclaimed scholars to present and discuss new research in the fields of formal and quantitative political science and political economy.

The conference took place at the IE Tower - the new vertical and technological campus of IE University in Madrid - on May 19 and 20, 2023. It brought together full, associate, and assistant professors from top social science departments in Europe and the United States, such as King's College London, Sciences Po, Bocconi University, Harvard University, Princeton University, Columbia University, University of Michigan, University of Rochester, University of California San Diego, and many others.

During these two days, invited scholars analyzed a wide range of topics, such as electoral systems, bureaucracies, legislatures, intra-party politics, conflict, environmental politics, historical political economy, and law enforcement, by applying advanced formal and quantitative methods. Discussions centered around both theoretical debates and normative (policy) implications.

“As a young and dynamic institution, we seek to deepen our institutional ties with renowned and established academic institutions in the Unites States. In organizing this workshop, we wanted to drive home the idea that Europe is a dynamic hub of academic institutions too,” highlighted IE School of Politics and Economics Affairs Prof. Nikitas Konstantinidis, who organized this workshop together with his colleague Prof. Zuheir Desai, and Prof. Scott Tyson of Emory University and the University of Rochester.