IE University announces the appointment of Ilke Toygür as Director of the Center for Innovation in Global Politics and Economics (CIGPE). In her new position, Ilke Toygür will lead the hub for applied research and policy, enhancing its programmes and initiatives on Global Affairs, Transatlantic Relations, the European Union, and Latin America, while designing and implementing its research agenda.

The Center for Innovation in Global Politics and Economics is an academic think tank of the IE School of Politics, Economics and Global Affairs. It aims to consolidate and foster the School’s applied research footprint, contributing to policy-making and innovation while anticipating future trends in global politics and economics. The Center already builds on the existing regional and thematic initiatives of the School, such as the Transatlantic Relations Initiative and the Observatories of the European Union and Latin America.

“I am honoured to take over the directorship of this Center in times of considerable geopolitical and geoeconomic change in Europe and the world. Applied research is the key to designing effective policies,” Ilke Toygür said.

Ilke Toygür hosted this morning Cecilia Malmström, former member of the European Commission and the European Parliament, and minister for EU affairs of Sweden, for an inaugural conversation about current trends in geopolitics and geoeconomics and the future of the European Union. 

Toygür, who joins the IE University Faculty as Professor of European (Geo)Politics, holds a Bachelor degree and MS in Economics, an MA in Democracy and Government, and a PhD in Political Science. Her doctoral research focused on the impact of European integration on the vote and party system change in Western Europe in times of crisis. 

Along her career, Toygür has worked for institutions such as the Elcano Royal Institute in Madrid and the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) in Brussels. Toygür has also been a lecturer at the University Carlos III of Madrid, and a visiting researcher at the European University Institute (EUI), the University of Mannheim, and the Brookings Institution. 

Ilke Toygür is a Senior Associate with the CSIS Europe, Russia, and Eurasia Program in Washington DC and serves as a Board Member of the Trans-European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) in Brussels.

Toygür currently advises European governments and EU institutions on contemporary challenges facing Europe. Her research and articles have been published in Financial Times, Der Spiegel, El País, Foreign Policy, Foreign Affairs, Carnegie Europe, the German Marshall Fund of the United States or the Brookings Institution, among others. 

Find out more about Ilke Toygür and the IE Center for Innovation in Global Politics and Economics (CIGPE) in this video: