Dual Degree in Technology and Global Affairs | IE School of Politics, Economics & Global Affairs

Dual Degree in Technology and Global Affairs

duration2 Years
locationParis & Madrid
Mode of studyIn-Person
duration2 Years
locationParis & Madrid
Mode of studyIn-Person

The geopolitical sphere is not only affected by the work of international associations such as the EU, but also by private corporations and nongovernmental organizations. Indeed, global affairs considerations are now built into the strategic and operational planning of companies such as lobbying agencies, and intergovernmental groups such as NATO or the OSCE, meaning the analytical and strategic expertise of sector professionals is in high demand in every sector.

In the short-, medium- and long-term, digitalization and emerging tech is going to continue disrupting this space. IE University is ahead of the curve in offering the Master in Technology and Global Affairs to put you in prime position to compete for the new roles that such disruption is creating; McKinsey estimates that 20 to 50 million jobs related to the development and use of new tech will be created worldwide by 2030.



The training provided by the program will prepare you for global success in roles within international organizations, governments, consultancy, think tanks, foundations and NGOs, as well as the private sector:

Public Sector | IE
Private Sector | IE
Third Sector | IE
Public Sector | IE

Public sector

Public sector career paths include diplomacy, regulatory agencies or state organizations including a nation’s Office for Technology, and the Digital Foreign Policy Strategy office for another nation.

International organizations and institutions like the EU and the UN (including UNESCO), and global companies like KREAB, PricewaterhouseCoopers and EY are also looking for well-trained professionals in this sphere.

The European Commission now has a special advisor on the geopolitics of technology to its vice president on digital affairs, for example. There is particular demand from the organizations working in the public and private sectors within defense and security, governance and regulation.


The focused, specialized training provided by the Master in Technology and Global Affairs will leave you ready not just for personal career achievements, but to make a positive social impact by transforming the work of governments, international organizations and companies alike. You’ll bring more technological knowledge, better regulatory compliance and a more alert, proactive approach to the field wherever your own journey takes you.

Roles in the space include, but are not limited to:

International Consultant

Policy Officer

Political Risk Conmsultant

Tech Regulation Consultant

International Development Specialist

Artificial Intelligence and Automation Manager

Digital Transformation Specialist


At IE University, we’re committed to giving you the tools to drive positive impact and helping you find the right job is a big part of that. In line with this mission, IE Talent & Careers regularly invites recruiters to participate in various activities to help them connect with bold, young talent and identify the best fit for their recruitment needs.


IE Talent & Careers is the best partner for the professional development of all our current and former students at IE.


What can you do with a Master in Technology and Global Affairs?

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Graduates can pursue roles across fields as diverse as governance, tech regulation, tech and international relations, and business—any area where technology and policy intersect.

Will a Master in Technology and Global Affairs help your career?

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Yes—with the intersection of technology and global affairs growing in importance, professionals with such expertise are in ever-greater demand in both the public and private sectors. In fact, the World Economic Forum states that technological literacy is one of the fastest-growing core skills, so a master’s degree in this area can help you stand out from the crowd.

Does a Master in Technology and Global Affairs open doors professionally?

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Yes. This degree carries the recognition and prestige of two prestigious universities, leaving graduates uniquely positioned for roles in leading global organizations across diverse fields. The program also offers opportunities to visit top institutions in the international arena, providing invaluable networking and internship possibilities.

How much can you make with a Master in Technology and Global Affairs?

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Salaries for individuals with a master's degree in Technology and Global Affairs can vary depending on factors such as location, experience, and job role. While specific salary figures may differ across regions, professionals in this field are generally well-compensated. Along with opening up opportunities for career advancement, having a master’s degree often gives you access to a higher starting salary.

What are the benefits of studying a joint degree between two top universities?

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Students of the Master in Technology and Global Affairs benefit from the combined expertise, resources, and teaching methodologies of two globally renowned institutions. They receive three different diplomas and gain access to networks that offer unique professional opportunities.