Dual Degree in Technology and Global Affairs | IE School of Politics, Economics & Global Affairs

Dual Degree in Technology and Global Affairs

duration2 Years
locationParis & Madrid
Mode of studyIn-Person
duration2 Years
locationParis & Madrid
Mode of studyIn-Person

You have the opportunity to put yourself at a central viewing point, from where to observe and understand how technology is completely changing global and international affairs. Over two years, this tech-focused program will lead you across a path built upon three fundamental pillars: the impact of technology on Citizenship; the impact on Geopolitics and Security; and the impact on Global Prosperity. The essential matter of Governance and Regulation of Technology will be there all along the way, as a transversal and foundational issue.

Focused on tech’s power not just to disrupt, but to drive positive change

Combining fields such as political science, international relations, economics, law and sociology with those of artificial intelligence, digitalization, fintech, cloud computing and big data analysis, this exceptional program provides a comprehensive and global exploration of the growing influence of technology in the political, social and economic life as well as in the progress of the whole planet.

This exceptional program will equip students with the tools to understand technology’s relationship with, and impact on, the social sciences and global affairs, blending outstanding academic training with an innovative approach to a new and fundamental subject matter. Approaching the matter with an eye both in the public and the private sector, the program combines a focus on how the disruptive nature of emerging technologies is having a profound impact on every area of society, while preserving a positive approach to the big changes they may bring to so many global challenges and to geopolitics.



Program Structure
2 Years
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YEAR 2Display more information
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The program follows each institution’s structure, with the first year divided into two semesters, and the second into three terms.

Over two years, three core themes serve as the fundamental building blocks for a comprehensive understanding of technology’s impact on the global geopolitical and economic landscape. Combining mandatory courses with electives that enable a degree of focus personalization in what most interests you, the program features a strong practical approach to impart immediately applicable skills, as well as the chance to develop or deepen analytical, methodological and organizational skills. You’ll also complete a thesis or undertake a capstone project, drawing together everything you’ve learned, in the latter part of the second year.

A solid educational complement on technological skills. It is difficult to understand the impact of technology without an important technological background. Bearing this in mind, this program will provide students without a previous technological background with a most solid. understanding of the basics of computer programming, cloud storage and data management as well as the functioning of AI and its algorithms.

Three pillars to support a holistic learning

The program’s three core pillars provide a coherent, complementary foundation on which your learning experience is based. These three central components allow us to structure the broadest possible examination of tech’s role in modern global affairs.

Tech, Geopolitics and Security

Explores how emerging tech is affecting the geopolitical sphere, the specific practice of inter-state relations, global and national security, as well as the interaction with the new role of large non-state actors.

This pillar imparts applicable knowledge and practical skills most relevant to international governance and work in multilateral organizations, to modern diplomacy and to conflict analysis. 

You’ll also hone your policy-making by designing a tech-based proposal on foreign policy, and an end-to-end conflict resolution to include tech’s role in building a new peace and transitional justice.

Technology and Citizenship

Examines tech’s influence on people’s lives from the angle of fundamental human rights, on the institutions and practices that sustain our political societies, and on the very concept and exercise of citizenship.

You will have the option to add a focus on the role of social media and its impact in the stability of domestic political systems and processes; or a closer look at how tech innovation may help mitigate damages and channel our efforts in the ecological transition.

Technology and Global Prosperity

Includes a serious look at the profound implications of AI and blockchain technology for markets and the global economy. You’ll examine the new opportunities, business models and indeed entire sectors that new tech is opening up. 

Specific training in business planning and organizational strategy provide knowledge and understanding fit for the digital age. 

Two compulsory elements of this pillar can be built upon further in the electives that follow later in the program.


What skills do you learn from the Master in Technology and Global Affairs?

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The program provides a multidisciplinary approach to the complex relationship between technology and global affairs. Students will learn technological, analytical and methodological skills through a practical approach to current world issues. The course is designed to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the geopolitical and societal impact of technology.

What is the impact of a Master in Technology and Global Affairs?

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The Master in Technology and Global Affairs empowers individuals to understand and navigate the intersection of technological advancements and global geopolitical shifts, positioning them to make meaningful contributions and address tech's disruptive effects on international affairs. Through this course, students will learn how to harness technology for a positive impact on international policy-making.

What courses are covered in the Master in Technology and Global Affairs?

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The program includes courses across three core themes: Citizenship and Rights, Geopolitics and Security, and Prosperity and Economy. Additionally, it includes Sciences Po common courses, concentration courses, organizational classes and in-depth technology skills training.