Celebrating Ireland’s 50 years as a member of the European Union
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- Celebrating Ireland’s 50 Years As A Member Of The European Union
Every year, during the week of St Patrick’s Day, Irish ministers go abroad to promote bilateral relationships, trade, and exchanges and celebrate their diaspora abroad. Neale Richmond, the Irish Minister of State for Entreprise Trade and Employment, traveled to Spain for this occasion. On Tuesday, March 14th, the Minister came to IE University for a keynote on Ireland’s 50 years as a member of the European Union.
The Minister started by reminding us that it was also the 100th year of the creation of the Irish free state, but in his opinion, the country didn’t achieve complete independence until it joined the EU. Indeed, it was still very dependent on the UK, which was its main partner. The Minister addressed how Ireland went from a very closed state for which the main export was their people to a country integrated into the world’s economy.
He also highlighted the role the EU played in facilitating progress in Ireland. According to him, Ireland is a much better place now than it was 50 years ago, and it wouldn’t have happened to that extent without the involvement of the EU. The Minister also accentuated the importance of the EU for Ireland amid Brexit.
An exchange with the attendees followed his keynote. The Minister replied to questions and concerns about diverse topics, from the rise of populism in Europe and the importance of countering the populist narrative to the impact of Brexit on the country passing by the Irish tax system. He concluded the keynote by discussing the health of the relations between Spain and Ireland and how they could expand to reach their full potential.