IE Sci-Tech Students Develop Bus Tracking System
Professor Eduardo Rodriguez assigned the project to second-year Computer Science and AI students
Second-year students from the IE School of Science and Technology presented a Bus Tracking System they developed in teams as a final project assigned by Professor Eduardo Rodriguez.
Rodriguez challenged the Computer Science & AI students with a real-world problem mid-semester in a shared project between his two courses: Designing & Using Databases, and Cloud Computing.
Rodriguez asked them to design and implement a bus tracking system for a transport route with at least two different lines and five stops per route.
“This project required them to design a database, business processes, and implement the system in the cloud,” explained Rodriguez.
Students said the activity forced them outside their comfort zone and pushed them to think differently about problems.
“At first, the task seemed a little daunting until we divided the work up and properly collaborated,” said participant Miranda Drummond. “It was interesting to see the final product as we tied all the tiny parts together.”
Other students applauded the opportunity to think professionally, within the confines of the classroom.
“This project really allowed us to exercise our knowledge base in a similar method like how IT industry professionals do so,” said Gabriel de Olaguibel.
Ultimately, most students said the exercise reshaped their views on collaborative projects and the importance of teamwork.
“It gave us a real sense of how teamwork can be applied to computer science-based projects.”Miranda Drummond