Study abroad initiatives and hands-on trips in dynamic international locations immerse students in the global context, preparing them for leadership roles in their future careers.

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At IE School of Politics, Economics & Global Affairs, we believe in the transformative power of education. And while we’re proud of the academic rigor and innovative teaching methodologies that define our classrooms, our programs offer real-world experiences designed to immerse students in diverse cultural and economic settings. By visiting destinations in Madrid and abroad, our students gain hands-on learning opportunities and the chance to grow.

At the heart of transformative learning

When looking for personal and professional development, Madrid is a great place to start. A global hub for business, travel and culture, it’s also home to 54% of Spain’s biggest companies—and the perfect base to launch your career.

However, besides Madrid visits, we believe that well-honed leadership skills come from knowledge and practice acquired outside a student’s comfort zone. This is what transformative learning is about: expanding perspective thanks to new experiences. By challenging existing convictions, students gain the insight to reassess their purpose, values and goals, and to broaden their mindset with global context.

Changing mindsets through real-world experiences

Going beyond personal horizons by collaborating with people from diverse backgrounds helps students develop self-awareness and a growth mindset. It ensures that when they graduate, they’re prepared to flourish in the fast-paced and often challenging geopolitical arena, making a positive impact on a global scale.

That’s why transformational learning opportunities are an integral part of all of our programs. They are expertly crafted to expose students to an eclectic range of cultural, political, economic and academic environments. Here are some of the notable Madrid visits and study-abroad experiences that are encouraging personal and professional growth within the IE Community:

Engaging in debate at the European Parliament

One of the prestigious institutions on the itinerary is the European Parliament office in Brussels. Students from programs like the Master in International Relations and Master in International Development gain behind-the-scenes access through meetings with industry experts and tours of the facilities. It’s an invaluable chance to see the institution at work and meet the people shaping policy throughout the region.

Coming to Brussels will show you the importance of these EU institutions, open doors for your future and add value to your career. –Álvaro Mariscal, Foreign Affairs Advisor at the European Parliament

It also gives students a firsthand taste of the world of work by allowing them to join in debates on real issues. These simulations offer an in-depth understanding of the main parties and alliances within Europe’s political landscape—ideal preparation for dealing with the complex issues and diverse stakeholders they’ll face in their professional futures.

Learning about sustainability in Saudi Arabia

Not many people get to visit the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at the invitation of the country’s Ministry of Tourism. But that’s what happened when several students represented IE University at the annual World Travel and Tourism Summit.

While the trip explored the intersection of tourism and sustainability, it also challenged some students’ preconceptions about the country. “All the stereotypes we have in the Western world about Saudi Arabia are completely wrong,” says Bruno, a Dual Degree in Business Administration & International Relations student.

Such sentiments highlight the added value these study abroad opportunities afford the IE Community, broadening perspectives and inspiring personal growth.

Fostering debate and dialogue in India

Raisina Dialogue is India’s premier conference on geopolitics and geoeconomics. Held annually, it brings together students from leading schools of government and global affairs worldwide to debate critical issues.

As part of the event, the Raisina-IE Global Student Challenge tasks participating teams to propose innovative solutions to global challenges. They then present their recommendations to a distinguished jury of experts.

The experience has boosted my interdisciplinary learning, critical-thinking skills, leadership abilities, global awareness and networking opportunities. Emmanuel Capochichi, a Dual Degree International MBA + Master in International Relations student and the Challenge-winning team member.

Madrid visits: opportunities closer to home

Studying abroad is great, but our students don’t have to travel too far to enjoy transformative learning experiences. Our long-standing relationships with international companies and multilateral organizations provide enriching opportunities at their doorstep, too.

Exclusive Madrid visits regularly take our students to leading sector players such as Moncloa Palace and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). These trips provide important local context, revealing the effects of international policymaking at a regional level.

What I’ve achieved up until now has been thanks to all that IE University allowed me to experience during my four years there. –Elena San Deogracias Casado, Bachelor in International Relations alum and intelligence analyst at NATO

Holistic training for future humanitarians

For years, our students have immersed themselves in the realities of humanitarian work in an initiative that aims to illustrate how individual efforts can make a difference. 

Humanitarian Emergency Aid Training (HEAT) imparts essential practical skills and knowledge for a future in crisis and aid management. It draws from a broad range of disciplines and allows students to collaborate with the UNHCR to understand how development policies can make a real difference in local communities.

More importantly, it’s an exercise that exposes the realities facing people affected by humanitarian crises. By diving in hands-on, students get a sense of the possible career paths that align with their interests. They also learn leadership, communication and teamwork skills, which are essential to overcoming the world’s humanitarian challenges.

Week-long immersive experiences

Speaking of immersion, students from various master’s degree programs across IE University can visit leading companies and meet top professionals in our Immersion Weeks

Designed to help them hit the ground running at the start of their careers, these experiential overseas visits place students in direct contact with employers on the front lines of their respective industries.

Immersion Week was a remarkable opportunity to engage with professionals working within organizations like the European Parliament, NATO, the OECD, UNDP and UNESCO. It also helped us develop a deeper understanding of the career profiles within the sector and the diverse paths that lead professionals to these positions.
–Manuela Mesa, Master in International Relations student and Immersion Week participant

While the destination changes every year, previous visits have taken students to important sector players in Amsterdam, London, San Francisco, Shanghai and beyond.

A catalyst for understanding and change

No matter the program, enriching transformative learning opportunities ensure that our students make the most of their IE Experience. From international exchanges that let them study abroad to immersive, hands-on initiatives and exclusive visits to multilateral organizations, we’re committed to our students’ success every step of the way.