Advanced classes, exclusive mentorships and unique opportunities to learn, grow and boost your profile—that’s what the Advanced Tech Track is all about.

4 min read

Innovations are popping up at an unprecedented rate, reshaping daily life and business processes. More people are adopting new technologies, increasing the demand for convenience, flexibility and automation. Specialization has become the name of the game in the fast-paced tech world, and professionals who can find their niche will thrive in this dynamic landscape.

The Advanced Tech Track offers a unique path to specialized expertise at IE University. It’s specifically geared toward our Master in Business Analytics & Data Science or the Master in Computer Science & Business Technology, providing top students the chance to maximize their potential in tech, business and data.

Inside the Advanced Tech Track

Academic Director and seasoned computer science engineer Luis Reina has played a pivotal role in designing this tech track. Luis has overseen data and analytics operations at IBM for over 25 years, and he’s shared his knowledge as a professor and published author for two decades.

We recently spoke with Luis to get the inside scoop on the rigorous and exciting Advanced Tech Track:

What is the Advanced Tech Track?

The Advanced Tech Track is a specialized course for select students with advanced technical knowledge.

Learning in the Advanced Tech Track.

It comprises 20 academic sessions spread over the second and third terms, each covering advanced technical topics and providing unique learning opportunities.

Who is it designed for? 

This tech track is designed for advanced students enrolled in the Master in Business Analytics & Data Science or the Master in Computer Science & Business Technology. Specifically, it targets the top 10 to 15% of the intake—those who show exceptional technological potential and a commitment to their academic and professional development.

What kind of profile are you looking for?

The ideal profile for this career tech track is students with excellent technological knowledge. They will be curious about technology, have a high capacity for learning and demonstrate a commitment to their studies. Additionally, they’ll have a track record of engagement in classes, teamwork and collaboration with peers.

What content does this track cover?

The Advanced Tech Track includes sessions on current and advanced hot topics in the industry, such as Advanced SQL Features, Quantum Computing and new Data Architecture concepts like Data Fabric and Data Mesh models. Students will also dive into AI Platforms, Cloud Models, Containers/Kubernetes Implementation, Lake Houses and other cutting-edge technological areas.

In addition, the study plan may involve industry visits, collaboration opportunities in research projects, and mentoring sessions.

What makes it so unique?

As a rigorous, demanding course, attendance is mandatory and strictly enforced. Missing a session without the program director’s approval may mean losing one’s place in the track.

Exploring the career tech track.

On the other hand, students receive personalized mentoring from industry leaders, CIOs and other senior executives from prestigious companies.

Additional group mentoring sessions offer direct interaction with Dean Ikhlaq Sidhu.

Another unique feature is the regular industry visits. These provide an opportunity to tour top facilities, participate in research or accelerator projects and gain real-world exposure.

Lastly, the Final Project is a culminating task that allows students to apply and demonstrate their advanced skills in real-world settings.

How does this track add value to students?

Pursuing the Advanced Tech Track offers students several key benefits:

• Exclusive learning opportunities
Participants gain access to advanced technical sessions and unique content that goes beyond the standard curriculum.

Industry exposure
They also build their profiles through visits to industry facilities and the possibility of collaboration on real-world research projects.

To enhance their professional development, students enjoy guidance from senior executives, including members of the CIO Executive Council.

Students have many opportunities to connect with faculty, peers and top industry leaders.

Completing the Advanced Tech Track sets students apart, signaling their exceptional capabilities to potential employers.

When can students join the track?

After being invited and selected, students can start the Advanced Tech Track in the second term of their program.

What type of recognition is obtained after completion?

Those who complete the Advanced Tech Track will earn a diploma with three ECTS micro-credentials and be recognized as Advanced Tech Track Students. This credential formally acknowledges their refined technical skills and successful participation.

What would you say to someone considering the Advanced Tech Track?

If you’re passionate about technology, eager to push the boundaries and committed to your personal and professional growth, the Advanced Tech Track is a unique opportunity. You’ll gain practical knowledge, exclusive access to industry leaders and recognition that sets you apart in the competitive tech landscape.

However, be prepared for a demanding journey that requires commitment and engagement.

If you’re ready for the challenge, the Advanced Tech Track is a transformative experience that will accelerate your career in tech and data.

Gaining practical experience in the tech track.

Future-proof tech skills

As today’s digital world grows more interconnected than ever, technology is cementing itself as a key driver of development and progress. By developing advanced skills and keeping up with and even ahead of emerging trends, tech and data professionals can keep their knowledge and skills sharp, up-to-date, and on the leading edge of the industry’s future.