At IE University, we're relentless about keeping our programs on the cutting edge. In response to today’s fast-paced market, we recently introduced two new computer science specializations: Tech Sales & Consulting and Artificial Intelligence & Cloud.

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The Master in Computer Science & Business Technology prepares participants for lasting success in a competitive landscape. It accommodates both students who want to enhance their technical expertise and business acumen, as well as those who have a business background and are keen to develop their tech skills.

We recently spoke with Sebastian Veldman, Academic Director of the Master in Computer Science & Business Technology. He shared his insights into the program and described how two new specializations further set it apart in the market.

A program that stands out

“Bringing business and technology profiles together creates a unique dynamic in the classroom,” Sebastian explains.

Studying IE University’s Master in Computer Science & Business Technology.

At its core, the Master in Computer Science & Business Technology is a careful balance between developing technologies and managing them.

For most current alumni, the biggest question was whether programming experience is necessary to excel in the program. But as Sebastian emphasizes, that is not the case: “You don’t need to be an experienced coder. If you already have the skills, we’ll help you sharpen them, and if you don’t, we will ensure that before graduation, you’re fully capable of building and designing using today’s top tools.”

The wide range of perspectives from diverse backgrounds is an additional perk of this skill-building program. Students have the chance to work with like-minded go-getters, learning from one another in hands-on experiences like datathons, the Capstone Project, internships, the Tech Venture Bootcamp and a Global Immersion Week to visit top technology companies like Tesla, Amazon, Microsoft and Google.

Students also enrich their learning with tech certifications from industry leaders such as Microsoft, AWS, Oracle and Google Cloud.

Introducing two new specializations 

Specialization allows students to both personalize their academic journey and further explore their areas of interest. In the Master in Computer Science & Business Technology, learners establish foundational knowledge first before selecting their specialization.

Practical learning in the Artificial Intelligence & Cloud specialization.

The program now offers two unique specializations designed for modern needs.

Students can choose to specialize in Tech Sales & Consulting or Artificial Intelligence & Cloud. This move ensures they keep growing in the direction best suited for their goals.

Tech Sales & Consulting specialization

The Tech Sales & Consulting specialization equips students to help companies solve various business challenges using tech. “As a consulting professional at Accenture,” says Sebastian, “I can speak to the demand of working at a global company and constantly being challenged with technological developments. That’s why we focus on building students’ business acumen.”

Students who pursue this specialization position themselves as experts in a lucrative niche. With a strong understanding of both business and technology, they’ll confidently guide designers and development teams to meet—and exceed—client expectations.

Artificial Intelligence & Cloud specialization

Meanwhile, the Artificial Intelligence & Cloud specialization is designed for professionals with solid technology backgrounds looking to master emerging tech. Students will be challenged to build advanced AI, Machine Learning, Python and cloud skills as they work to develop and implement AI-driven solutions. “In this specialization, we take it beyond the foundational knowledge offered in the program and show students how to design data-intensive applications, distributed systems and advanced architecture. You’ll find the real ‘techie’-type of courses here.”

Becoming market-ready

The Master in Computer Science & Business Technology prepares learners to understand the challenges modern organizations face and find the best possible solutions.

Studying the Tech Sales & Consulting specialization.

As Sebastian points out, “Our aim is for students to confidently steer companies in a new direction with the technological knowledge they’ve gained throughout the program.”

The program isn’t just based on tech activities, however. It also covers practical projects, real business cases, up-to-date insights and exposure to today’s top tech. Students can also participate in Berkeley Immersion Week, a week-long, hands-on experience in Silicon Valley. Thanks to opportunities like these—plus the connections that IE University cultivates with the professional world—students will network with leaders in top-name companies and consulting firms and collaborate with them on real-world projects.

Sebastian encourages candidates to  “roll up their sleeves and dive in” to develop a well-rounded profile. “Future leaders must be capable of moving between the technology and business domain. They should know how to position themselves in the middle of the two worlds.”

The future of biztech

After years in the industry, Sebastian knows that it is constantly evolving in light of shifting market demands. “We will keep an eye on the skills employers are asking for and find new ways to provide the insights and knowledge necessary to meet those demands.” He adds, “We’ve seen tremendous growth in AI-enabled services, for example, and we’ve stayed on top of those trends. We’re ready to shift with the industry.”The Master in Computer Science & Business Technology opens the door for students to build successful careers at the intersection of business, technology and design. “You need to understand how things are developed to stay ahead of the curve, and this program accommodates both the beginner as well as the highly experienced experts in tech.”