The world of economics evolves quickly. To make an impact in the sector, it’s critical not only to be absolutely up-to-date with the latest developments in financial markets or fiscal policy, but also to have a firm understanding of how labor markets are changing and data analytics are impacting the sphere.

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The Master in Applied Economics has been carefully designed to blend theory with hands-on practice to impart all the industry know-how you need, with a practical twist. With holistic content covering, it will give you the skill set and experience to solve the real problems you’ll face in a career in finance, public policy, consultancy or the corporate world.

You’ll gain practical expertise in emerging tech and quantitative analytics, and the strategic critical thinking and research mindset to stand out when chasing the most coveted job opportunities.

You’ll graduate with the professional profile that the modern world of economics demands.

Combining tech, strategy and practical experience: the Master in Applied Economics in a nutshell

The career outcomes you’re looking for

Regardless of your preferred career path, many of the best job opportunities in economics insist on an official degree. So it’s well worth doing your own research to establish if it’s essential before you apply to your dream position. Certainly, armed with an official degree like our Master in Applied Economics, you’ll open doors to a wide range of roles.

The Master in Applied Economics could lay the foundations for a PhD, or position you for the role you’re pursuing in finance, consulting, public policy or beyond:

• Private Equity, Business or Investment Analyst
• Data Scientist or Analyst
• Technology Consultant
• Investment Banking Analyst
• Business Operations Analyst
• Finance or Product Manager
• Policy Advisor

The program has already helped ambitious economics professionals land the jobs they want. Check out the Career Report of the Class of 2023—90% of the cohort were working within three months of graduating!

The tools for success

The Master in Applied Economics is a rigorous program and you’ll be setting yourself a challenge. That’s why its graduates are in such high demand among employers. To give you the best chance of success, the pre-program will get you started on the fundamentals of quantitative analysis and programming. Plus, the study plan includes several introductory courses to lay the foundations for what follows.

But there are a few key skills and topics it would be handy to have a grasp of before you start the program, because its focus is very much on the real world.

Uniquely hands-on, with targeted specializations for your chosen career path

Part of what makes the Master in Applied Economics so outstanding is the highly practical focus. This includes the essential experience students gain with the emerging tech that’s shaping the current global economics landscape, and the strategic and analytical skills recruiters now demand.

That’s why the program’s subjects include programming for economics, project analysis and implementation, strategic management and even leadership skills. Moreover, alongside the comprehensive core program content, you can choose from highly relevant specialization tracks depending on your desired career path:

• Economics for public policy
• Strategic analysis for corporations
• Strategic consultancy and market regulation

These specialisms have been chosen to reflect the professional profiles modern recruiters demand, giving you the freedom to choose your career path knowing you’ll get a strong return on your investment.

Economics vs. the Master in Applied Economics

A degree in economics will give you a strong theoretical understanding of the function of the financial architecture by which societies function. But our Master in Applied Economics takes that understanding further, teaching you how to apply the theory, research and data analysis expertise you’ve gained to real-world economic issues.

Our faculty, leading professionals from the field, bring distinctive perspectives and innovative ideas and methodologies to the program. But one thing they all have in common is experience at the sharp end of the economics sector.

Combining tech, strategy and practical experience: the Master in Applied Economics in a nutshell

Their insights have been earned with sector leaders, and they’re ready to share them to help you make a positive impact through your career.

Capstone Project

As you near the end of the program, you can choose between a collaborative Capstone Project or a research-oriented thesis. If you choose the team-based final project, a professional mentor will guide you as you collaborate with a private, public or nonprofit organization. You’ll bring together everything you’ve learned to address a specific challenge for a capstone partner like PwC, CaixaBank or BBVA.

On hand to build connections

From your first day in the IE Community to the final day of your Capstone Project and beyond your graduation into the world of work, IE Talent & Careers are there to help. With personalized advice on your chosen career path, extensive resources and unparalleled networking opportunities, we’ll put you in direct touch with top recruiters worldwide.

More than 500 leading companies participate in our career events, and over 12,000 job opportunities are posted on IE University’s exclusive job portal. This program offers cutting-edge economics, tech and strategic skills, as well as highly relevant practical experience, personalized careers advice and unmatched professional networking. That’s the Master in Applied Economics in a nutshell. It really is the complete program; check it out here.