Gaining new knowledge and skills is an essential stepping stone on the pathway to professional success.

4 min read

However, we know it can be a costly endeavor to go back to the classroom while maintaining a full-time job. With this in mind, we’ve introduced our corporate sponsorship program, which enables you to fund your learning journey with the support of your organization.

Corporate sponsorship allows organizations to fund part of their employees’ program at IE Business School. Sergio de la Torre and Manuel Atienza, who both work at Eli Lilly, chose to make the most of corporate sponsorship to study the Executive MBA. After all, an investment in their learning is not only beneficial for them but also for their company.

With over ten years of experience in pharmaceuticals, Sergio wanted to pivot his skills toward management and strategic decision-making in his company. He already had extensive experience in research and development, but the Executive MBA helped him refocus his skills to maximize his professional growth.

Having also built a long career in the pharmaceutical industry, Manuel wanted to complement his experience with a solid understanding of strategic, financial and human resources management to help him lead more impactful projects. Studying the Executive MBA helped Manuel’s career reach new heights, taking on additional responsibilities and driving success.

In fact, he was able to apply his newly acquired skills very quickly, as a new team joined his department and he had to manage their work. He says that implementing his new knowledge helped him get incredible results. He also now feels more confident giving his opinion in meetings, having developed the ability to look beyond the clinical data.

What’s more, both Sergio and Manuel found it easy to secure corporate sponsorship, as their employer understood the importance of investing in top talent.

“They say that people understand each other by talking, and my case was no exception. I explained that the Executive MBA would not only prepare me to take on future challenges but would also help me bring a fresh perspective and advanced skill set that would be directly applicable to the company’s goals. By aligning my personal development goals with the needs of the company, it became clear that the program would be a win-win for both parties.“ — Sergio de la Torre

“My company supported me from the beginning and recognized the value that the Executive MBA at IE Business School could bring both to my personal development and the company. To convince them, I highlighted how the skills acquired in the program could translate into better project management and more informed decision-making. I also emphasized the importance of knowing how to lead a team.” — Manuel Atienza

With the help of corporate sponsorship, you can fast-track your career and complete programs like the Executive MBA sooner than you would otherwise be able to. Additionally, you don’t have to put your professional life on hold for the program. You can study alongside work and implement your knowledge from day one for immediate results.

“At first, finding the balance between work, study and travel was like trying to juggle while on a moving bike—but over time I found my rhythm. The key has been in planning and adaptability, both on my side and in regard to the structure of the program. Interestingly, I’ve found that the skills I’m learning apply not only in the context of the program, but in the day-to-day management of my job responsibilities, which has made all the effort worthwhile.” — Sergio de la Torre

“Honestly, working and studying is very hard and requires a lot of resilience, but it’s rewarding. I have had to learn to be very organized and efficient with my time, because I have to decide what’s super-important and what’s important. But, as I near the finish line, I feel proud of myself.” — Manuel Atienza

Moreover, Manuel and Sergio both believe that it’s essential to never stop learning in the pharmaceutical industry. However, people often underestimate the value of going back to the classroom and immersing yourself in a nurturing learning environment like IE Business School. 

“I’m enjoying both the dynamics of the program and the enriching debates—I’m learning a lot from the enormous experience of my classmates. In addition, the camaraderie among our team has been fundamental. It’s been an opportunity to recharge my batteries and feel like a university student again.” — Sergio de la Torre

Corporate sponsorship is an excellent opportunity for both individuals and their employers and the Executive MBA works to fill any skills or knowledge gaps to allow each professional to thrive in the workplace. Moreover, IE Talent & Careers works with each of our students to help them on their path to professional success from day one. 

“I would recommend that companies invest in this program without a moment’s hesitation, especially if the company is looking to nurture and expand its leaders’ capabilities. Investment in this program goes beyond individual education; it’s a collective investment with clear innovative potential for the company. What we learn at IE University really takes us to the next level in practice. Every new idea or project that’s born out of what we’ve learned here has the potential to improve and expand our company significantly.” — Sergio de la Torre

Investing in your future is the way forward. With the support of your organization and the innovative learning programs offered by IE Business School, you can unlock new skills to drive your professional growth to new heights.