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Today’s business landscape is increasingly competitive, and IE University works tirelessly to keep students ahead of the times. The Master in Business Analytics and Data Science pushes the boundaries of tech, allowing them to acquire the tools to excel in an evolving field. 

6 min read

The Master in Business Analytics and Data Science is a comprehensive program that puts learners at the competitive forefront. Designed by industry experts and notable academics at IE School of Science & Technology, it shapes professionals who can understand business value through data, making better decisions and sparking a positive change in today’s world.

We recently caught up with Raquel Cabero, Academic Director of the Master in Business Analytics and Data Science, to find out how the program does just that. 

Practical and complete

The academic component of any postgraduate program is critical, and the Master in Business Analytics and Data Science goes far beyond the technical. “I’ve compared this program to other offerings on the market, and it’s definitely the most complete and practical one out there,” Raquel explains. “Students are able to work on real-world projects from beginning to end, applying their knowledge across different sectors.” 

The program provides a comprehensive blend of core courses exploring statistics for data science, data management and programming with Python at a high level, along with advanced topics in data science such as modern data architectures, machine learning, predictive analytics and data visualization. 

These technical abilities are complemented by the many soft skills necessary to integrate business with data. “Our Master in Business Analytics and Data Science considers the importance of leadership skills and focuses on hands-on classes to build the fundamental competencies students need to excel in the professional world. What’s more, thanks to our professors’ expertise in the field and diverse backgrounds, students gain perspectives from business and data professionals alike—all that is needed to help participants advance in their careers.” 

The practical approach is a common thread that runs throughout the program. It’s reflected in the selected faculty, which includes practitioners, experienced leaders and top academics and researchers. Our agreements with leading companies like AWS, Google, Microsoft, Accenture and many others also provide valuable opportunities for experiential learning.

“Students not only learn the theory, but they also get a chance to apply what they have learned to real-world projects. When they begin their careers, they will have already worked on similar cases with similar professionals, allowing them to dive right in,” says Raquel, adding, “The Sustainability Datathon during the second term of the program is an unforgettable experience where they compete with hundreds of other students to provide the best solutions possible to a real environmental problem.”

Some of the student groups have had the opportunity to present their proposals to the executive boards of the companies that provided the challenge.

Data science for business

The Master in Business Analytics and Data Science is a technical program with a business focus. Starting from scratch but building foundations and knowledge quickly and solidly, it’s designed to offer skills that are mandatory in a broad range of career positions. For example, aiming to provide exposure to the strategic side of business, the program has students working with data as a tool to improve operations and decision-making processes. One of the opening courses includes the use of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Business Strategy.

“The entrepreneurial mindset is strong within the program, as it is at IE University as a core value of the institution,” Raquel states. “In fact, we offer a concentration based on deep tech entrepreneurship that students can select during the elective period.”

From impactful capstone projects to hands-on experience, the program pushes students out of their comfort zone and into the world of data science in business.

Real-world experience 

Designed to help students to upskill and reskill, the Master in Business Analytics and Data Science offers a wide variety of personalization options. For instance, students can participate in a Tech Immersion Week abroad, taking their studies to destinations like Berkeley, Amsterdam or Berlin. They can also opt to complete an international exchange during the third term in London, Frankfurt, Zurich, South America, the United States or Singapore.

Additionally, the program gives students the opportunity to complete an internship or earn additional certifications from industry leaders like AWS, Microsoft, Google, Cisco, Power BI and Tableau, among others, further advancing their practical skill set and helping them feel confident about entering the world of work. 

To create an environment where students can become experts in their fields, the program’s candidate pool comprises professionals from both business and technical fields.

“Just over 70% of our students have a business background and the remaining percentage have a technical background. Due to this variety, students without technical experience are able to thrive—and vice versa.”

Additionally, there is an advanced track available for students who demonstrate differential technical skills, great potential and core IE University values, allowing them to deepen their expertise even further. 

However, Raquel says that the most important quality to possess is motivation. “Attitude is fundamental. If you’re willing to learn, and if you’re willing to work hard, we will take you to the next level and equip you with skills that will shape and advance your career into the future. With that, and the access to IE School of Science & Technology’s Global Mentor Network—a personalized experience—participants understand and land career positions in industries they desire”.

Why data science?

“Data science is fundamental in any type of company today. From the moment you wake up and unlock your phone to interact with social media or make any transactions, like paying for a coffee, you’re leaving behind a data footprint. When you make a decision, you use data, both qualitative and quantitative. We are unconsciously generating, processing and distributing massive amounts of data every day,” Raquel reveals. “Companies and professionals that do not know how to use data to improve operations, make better decisions or launch new products will be left behind.” This broad reach illustrates how data science drives business growth. “The world is constantly in need of professionals who can handle and make sense of this data.”

The Master in Business Analytics and Data Science is the complete solution for ambitious professionals.

From up-to-date knowledge of today’s top tools to practical experience in implementing tech like machine learning and AI to solve business problems, build future-focused business strategies and create sustainable impact, the program provides all the skills necessary to navigate and harness this changing competitive environment and turn data into value for companies.

“When you’re working on a data project with students, you are looking to inspire a change of mindset. We want our students to learn how to process data, find the golden nuggets hidden in the sand and communicate their insights effectively. Learning to pitch a strategy to your team and influence different audiences into action with your conclusions is also an important part of this program,” Raquel affirms.

After completing the program, graduates have gone on to work in diverse sectors, including AI, cloud, consulting, fintech, healthcare, retail, digital marketing, media and telecommunications. “And as we update our programs continuously, we’ve recently launched a concentration focused on sports analytics, led by faculty with experience in some of the top sports teams in the world.”

The future of data

As a proud alum of the program herself, Raquel is passionate about the Master in Business Analytics and Data Science and its benefits.

She encourages students to take full advantage of everything IE University has to offer, from technology clubs and networking opportunities to resources and career-building events from IE Talent & Careers. Additionally, she suggests that they leverage partner data platforms provided through the program to pursue additional courses or earn data certifications, which can be accomplished sometimes before they even step into the classroom. Raquel also notes that curating the right social media presence is essential. 

“I follow a lot of influential people on LinkedIn and X. If you connect with the right people, there’s a lot to learn. Our dean, Ikhlaq Sidhu, and vice-dean, Geoffroy Gerard, are very active on LinkedIn. So are the professors in the program, like Angelica Partida-Hanon from Santander and Conchi Díaz from Google, or our full-time faculty robotics expert, Eduardo Castelló and Dae-Jin Lee, the special advisor to Athletic Club of Bilbao.”