At IE Business School, we provide students unique opportunities to broaden their perspectives and gain new skills in a diverse setting.

3 min read

Our International MBA is a rigorous program designed to help students transform themselves and their careers. From sustainability and social impact to networking, social entrepreneurship and more, this program has something for anyone looking to make a change. Alum Ashley Duffins recently shared her experience in the program and what she’s been up to since graduation.

On the path to something new

Ashley was born and raised in South Carolina. She spent most of her adult years on the East Coast before joining the US Army, which took her worldwide. Each stop brought a wave of new insights and when she finished her time in the military, she was ready to continue seeking a global vision. “My travels were a way for me to learn something new, broaden my perspective on life and see the world through a different lens,” she says. “I wanted to continue down this path.” She decided the best way to do this was by pursuing the right master’s degree program, a choice that led her to IE Business School. 

Before picking this path, however, Ashley wanted to work as a product manager in tech at a big-name company. Unfortunately, an industry-wide hiring freeze sent her back to the drawing board and on the hunt for a job that fit her profile. “One thing that stood out was that every job description required an MBA. I had two options: continue down the tech route or challenge myself during times of uncertainty.” And true to her unique background, Ashley leaned toward uncertainty and began searching for institutions aligned with her needs.

“I felt like IE Business School picked me at this point. I was looking for values and the school matched everything I stood for; I immediately knew this school was the one for me.” She chose the International MBA to take advantage of the chance to live abroad again and continue expanding her global mindset, both inside and outside the classroom.

A stand-out academic journey

Every program at IE Business School is designed to offer an immersive, holistic experience. It’s more than just a degree—it’s everything that comes with pursuing higher education, and the International MBA is no different. “My adventure was incredible,” explains Ashley, “But what stood out most throughout my time in the program were my professors. I found some courses more challenging than others, but my professors pushed me to bring my best every day.” 

For Ashley, the program’s biggest strength was its engaging and hands-on nature. The practical approach that takes center stage at IE Business School encourages students to look up from the textbook and truly step into their projects. This learning style promises to help them transfer their new skills to their day-to-day roles after they graduate, and for Ashley, it did just that: “I took the curriculum with me. I didn’t just put a toolbox together and lock it—I actually pull things from it daily and I really appreciate that.” 

The International MBA also facilitated group work alongside diverse team members with different backgrounds, but the same goal.

“My colleagues all had their own unique outlook and could offer insights from various walks of life.”

From the military to an MBA: one alum’s IE Business School story

“I thought I was prepared for this, but I wasn’t. I was challenged every day to see things from another angle and to think a little differently, something that has carried over into my current working style.”

Leading in an advanced way

The program’s emphasis on transformative leadership pushed Ashley to take her own skills to a more advanced level. She’s currently working as a senior strategy consultant thanks to the well-rounded skill set she gained in the International MBA. “I learned to negotiate, utilize my creativity and explore new responsibilities. In my current role, I have to make decisions that will have long-term impacts, and my courses in strategy and operations taught me to look at things with an open mind.” 

Her experience in Spain was an additional perk of the program journey. Ashley quickly adapted to Spanish culture, but she remains thankful that the school helped her navigate challenges on the administrative side. As she sees it, her IE Experience helped her gain patience on one hand and, on the other, she was able to cultivate a laid-back attitude and an out-of-the-box mindset. 

She also credits her time here with opening the door for numerous opportunities she’s had since graduation. “IE Business School gave me an international environment that was different from those I’d been in before,” says Ashley. “I truly think it sets the precedent for other schools to follow—it’s ahead of every other institution based on its values alone. I’m proud to say I went to a school that continues to get better every day.”