IE University’s Master in Business Analytics & Data Science students recently met in Amsterdam for their Tech Immersion Week. The hands-on, week-long experience places students at the heart of leading companies, allowing them to make personal and professional connections and expand their networks. Hear what students Enrique Gugel and Vanessa Vega have to say about their time in Amsterdam.
At IE University, we stand firm in our aim to create meaningful learning experiences for our students. From our hands-on approach in the classroom to our opportunities for immersion outside the classroom, our programs are designed to enable students to thrive in the world of work from day one. As part of this goal, we’ve designed the Tech Immersion Week, a practical opportunity for students to network with each other and work alongside corporate leaders from big-name companies in tech and data.
This year, students from the Master in Business Analytics & Data Science spent their Tech Immersion Week in Amsterdam. The program is offered in both a full-time and part-time format, allowing our students to learn at the pace that best suits their personal and professional goals. Vanessa Vega, a full-time format student, and Enrique Gugel, a part-time format student, both participated in the Tech Immersion Week. We sat down with Vanessa and Enrique to hear about their experiences.
Could you describe the Tech Immersion Week?
Vanessa: The Tech Immersion Week was an opportunity to network, as well as a chance to learn about and become comfortable with the technologies used in various companies in differing industries. It was a way to identify our strengths and understand what types of things we would be working on in the real world.
Enrique: In the part-time format, we have some technical classes that are incredibly in-depth, especially as our cohort is made up of professionals with 15 or 20 years of experience who are looking to change paths. Our profiles are slightly different from those in the full-time format. So, in my case, it was interesting to see what the companies were looking for in their profiles. The week served as an opportunity to understand how these companies worked.
What motivated you to attend the Tech Immersion Week?
Vanessa: I saw it as an excellent opportunity to get to know my colleagues and the part-time program participants better.
It was also a chance to visit different headquarters of companies like Uber Picnic and Adyen, which are companies I am interested in for my professional path.

Enrique: Honestly, I personally felt lost in terms of what I could do in the future with my newly updated skill set. My game plan was to go and see what the companies were asking for in terms of skills and background. And my profile was a fit in 70% of the cases, which was very promising. I was also looking forward to visiting companies that are leaders in tech. Plus, as part of the part-time program, we only meet four times a year. So, I was really motivated to go so that I could meet my colleagues face-to-face and get to know the full-time cohort.
Could you share a specific activity or workshop that stood out to you?
Vanessa: I enjoyed speaking with employees from Picnic. We talked with someone working in business analytics, as well as someone working in machine learning engineering—which are the two positions I’m most interested in. They shared information about the product and the company, but they also talked about their plans for the future, their specific roles and how they work toward future goals.

It was especially interesting because I got to see a lot of the programs and abilities I’m learning used in real-life scenarios and within the context of actual companies.
Enrique: I agree with Vanessa 100%. I also enjoyed visiting IBM and Uber, especially as they showed us what they’re doing and shared what they were looking for in their future employees. It was helpful to have these companies dive into the focus of the business and how they were working toward that goal. In regard to the workshops, I really enjoyed one I took on using ChatGPT effectively. It was incredibly helpful, insightful and useful.
Do you have any standout highlights or memorable experiences?
Vanessa: The whole week was a great experience and I loved getting to network a lot more with my peers and colleagues. Besides the company visits, the lunches and dinners as a group were memorable. Toward the end of the week, we had a group dinner on a terrace, and it was a lot of fun chatting and getting to know everyone a little better
Enrique: Amsterdam is such a beautiful city, and I loved having free time to explore it. The restaurant where they took us on the last day was really cool, and I loved being able to talk to everyone and chatting over a good meal and some drinks.
Did you find it valuable to have students from both formats participating in the Tech Immersion Week?
Vanessa: Getting to know the other participants was interesting because I got to meet a lot of people who have more experience than I do. It was nice to chat with them about their experiences throughout their careers and understand why they were studying a master’s program at this stage in their journey. I also was able to get some firsthand insights into what companies are looking for at that higher level. It was great to network with them, as well.
Enrique: In my case, it was the other way around from Vanessa because sometimes, when you have a bit of seniority, you get stuck in your ideas. So it was really interesting to talk to these young professionals and allow them to share their perspectives—it opened my mind in a lot of ways. I really enjoyed talking about everyone’s individual experiences as well, from travel and personal lives to professional endeavors. I wish the final night dinner was earlier on so that I had more time to get to know everyone!
How has the Tech Immersion Week contributed to your professional development?
Vanessa: I found it helpful to see and understand what I’m looking for in a position and what companies are looking for in their future employees. Positions can have the same name across different companies but ask for different skills or responsibilities.
Visiting the companies and talking with real-world employees helped me discover what I’m truly interested in for my future career.

Enrique: I used the Tech Immersion Week to focus on where my next step would lead. I left my job to move with my wife and family for my wife’s job. So, before heading to Amsterdam, I was working on my resume and updating my LinkedIn profile without a clear idea of what I wanted to do. I now have a much clearer path.
What would you say to students interested in the full-time or part-time Master in Business Analytics & Data Science?
Vanessa: I would tell them to do it. I learned that as a tech student, I’m not limited to looking for a job in tech because every industry needs the skill set I’m building. The week really flipped that switch for me. It’s a perfect time to shift your mindset.
Enrique: I’m not really a tech guy, so I was pretty nervous about the tech part of the program. I learned that it’s not threatening and that technical skills are incredibly important in today’s world. The biggest change in my mindset was learning what is required of me as a future employee. That said, I would tell potential students that it’s an investment but it’s worth it. It’s incredibly fulfilling on both a personal and professional level.