This article answers all your questions about the format and structure of our in-person Spanish language Executive MBA (EMBA).

4 min read

The Executive MBA (EMBA) at IE University is a unique program for professionals who are ready to move up the ranks into top executive roles. The carefully designed format ensures that you can continue to advance in your career while gaining the knowledge and skills needed to reach new professional heights.

An EMBA in Spanish that fits your schedule

Planned with your needs in mind, the EMBA at IE University is the perfect option for busy professionals who work during the week. Delivered in the Spanish language at IE Business School, the mix of in-person classes and optional intensive residential periods ensures an immersive and interactive learning experience. Classes take place on Fridays and Saturdays, allowing participants to balance their education with their professional commitments. 

Our Executive MBA in Spanish equips you with the skills, tools and knowledge demanded by today’s fast-changing business world.

Collaborative learning in the Executive MBA in the Spanish language

 During the first term in Madrid, you will focus on business fundamentals, covering critical foundational concepts such as financial and accounting insights, economic environment analysis, and strategy. The Impact Skills Bootcamp in this term lays the foundations for your transformative learning experience, helping you develop essential skills like problem-solving, critical thinking and strategic decision-making through hands-on workshops and role-play scenarios.

In the second term, also in Madrid, the focus shifts to Business Sprints. Here, you will apply the knowledge you have gained to real-life business challenges in areas such as digital, finance, operations and strategy. The Impact Skills Bootcamp in this term focuses on behavioral aspects of leadership, enhancing your abilities in negotiation, influencing and building trust. Guided by experienced faculty, you will face a variety of scenarios that require you to deliver tangible results for stakeholders.

The third term takes place in Segovia and centers on the theme “From Impact to Purpose.” This term emphasizes personal well-being and leadership development, covering topics ranging from self-awareness to forming good habits. The Executive Leadership Bootcamp provides practical strategies to maintain physical, emotional and spiritual health, ensuring you stay at the top of your game. By the end of the 16-month program, you’ll be well-equipped to lead in the boardroom.

What is the class schedule of the Executive MBA in Spanish?

The EMBA in Spanish is delivered through in-person classes on Fridays from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Each session lasts 1.5 hours, providing a structured and intensive learning environment. This format ensures that participants can fully engage with the material, their professors and their peers, fostering a collaborative and dynamic classroom experience.

What is the workload like for those studying the Executive MBA in the Spanish language?

The program’s structure allows for intensive learning while fitting around your professional life. During the first term you will study six subjects, and in the second and third terms, this reduces to two subjects at a time, allowing for deeper focus. On average, you will need to dedicate between 20 to 30 hours per week to the program, which includes class time and individual study.

How are the courses in the Executive MBA evaluated?

Courses in the EMBA degree in Spanish are assessed through a combination of individual assignments, group projects, exams and presentations. This multifaceted approach ensures that you can demonstrate your understanding and application of the material in various ways. Teamwork is a significant component of the program, reflecting the collaborative nature of modern business environments.

Are there exams in the Spanish Executive MBA?

Yes, the program includes exams, though the frequency and format depend on the specific course and its evaluation system. Some courses may have traditional exams, while others might require individual projects or presentations.

Participants of IE University’s Executive MBA in the Spanish language

Regardless of the format, all final exams are conducted face-to-face, maintaining the program’s emphasis on in-person interaction.

What is the final project of IE University’s EMBA degree in Spanish?

The program culminates in a Final Leadership Project, which runs parallel to your chosen specialization track. This project involves presenting your transformation proposals to the board of a company. You will be challenged to defend your proposals before an assessment group composed of active or former board members and C-Suite executives, providing a realistic and high-stakes environment to demonstrate your leadership and strategic thinking.

Preparing leaders for boardroom success

The Executive MBA at IE University offers a rigorous and comprehensive learning experience designed to transform professionals into global leaders. The weekend class schedule and project-focused methodology allow you to carry on with your professional responsibilities while you study. At the same time, the in-person format ensures deep engagement and networking opportunities, making it an ideal choice for those seeking to elevate their careers to the highest levels of leadership.