Answering important questions and providing key insights about the format and flexibility of the Global Executive MBA.

3 min read

The Global Executive MBA is a program for leaders. It’s designed to transform and further the careers of C-Suite professionals who want to engage with other like-minded, ambitious executives in a truly immersive and international environment.

It provides students with the skills and experience they need to boost their global impact, stand out in a competitive market and maximize their salary expectations.

Global Executive MBA students discussing the program

What is the profile of a Global Executive MBA student?

Global Executive MBA students working on a project

Students on the Global Executive MBA are already making an impact in their career with more than fifteen years of work experience already behind them, at least five of which will be managerial.

They already have international experience but are looking to further broaden their global perspective and network in order to propel their career even further.

What is the format and schedule of the program?

The program uses a blended format, combining online and residential elements for a duration of 15 months. The online format comprises lectures, discussion forums and consultative group work. The forum discussions take place from Monday to Thursday and there are live video conference sessions on Saturdays.

During the online periods, you will study no more than two subjects at any one time. The overall weekly time commitment generally needed to fulfill the requirements of the course is around 15 hours, although it can be more. The great thing about the blended format of the program is that the asynchronous learning elements provide flexibility, allowing you to fit your studies around your busy schedule.

The forums are a place for you to interact with your peers and professors and build an online community. They are facilitated by faculty members and create a fundamental learning space for the program. Learnings come from discussion, exchange and in-depth exploration of the topics, applications and frameworks, as well as invaluable opportunities for peer-to-peer learning.

Will I engage in group work with my peers?

Collaborative learning is an essential part of the Global Executive MBA and takes place throughout the program. Opportunities for collaboration and teamwork include:

1. Online forums: You will participate throughout the program, engaging and interacting with your peers and faculty members. You will discuss and debate topics from your courses, helping to broaden your perspectives and deepen your understanding. Forums ensure a consistent dialogue while also allowing for flexibility due to the varying commitments and timezones of participants.

2. Group projects and assignments: Many courses require you to work in teams on projects where collaboration is essential.

3. Residential periods: The residential periods provide the opportunity for networking, face-to-face interaction and intensive group work.

4. CEO Challenge: In the fourth term, you will work on a business challenge for a real company, working in teams to develop a proposal and presenting it to a client’s stakeholder.

Where are the Global Executive MBA residential periods?

The residential periods are an essential part of the program, as they give you a truly international experience. There are five residential periods and they span three continents, giving you regional insights and hands-on exposure to key global business issues.

The program opens and concludes with residential periods at IE Business School in Madrid. The other residential periods will take place at three of our globally renowned partner institutions: the University of California, Los Angeles; the University of Oxford; and Singapore Management University.

How will I be assessed?

Course assessment is made through your participation in the forums. This depends on both the quality and quantity of your input. Exams also form part of the evaluation of some of your courses; in that way, they are a frequent part of assessment throughout the program. 

Your final assessment will take place in person at IE Business School in Madrid with a Final Board Project.