The Global Online MBA is designed to equip you with one of the most important tools for business success—a global network.
Business professionals face many defining moments throughout their careers. For some, it’s the struggle to get over the dreaded mid-career slump that grinds progress down to a plateau and robs them of passion and excitement for the job. Others will feel the call to pivot to a completely new role, company, sector or even industry. Yet both need the same thing to move their professional life forward: Advanced credentials and further education that adds to their skill set. With our method of innovative online education, learning to be a better professional doesn’t mean taking time out from your career. In fact—it means making it better than ever.
Go beyond the plateau
The Global Online MBA at IE Business School offers a skills boost to ambitious professionals ready to scale the career ladder. It’s consistently topped international rankings for nine years straight and was named #1 in the world this year by the Financial Times.
One reason for these stellar reviews is the program’s unique approach to learning. Built around transformation, the Global Online MBA starts by first helping you understand where you are right now, personally and professionally. What are your goals and motivations? What skills do you need to get there? And finally, what natural strengths will prop you up, and what gaps do you need to fill before then? Once you build the foundation, the program then lets you align your career with your unique purpose to ensure your lasting impact in the business world.
Why choose online education learning?
Dikeledi Sathekge from South Africa, who studied the Global Online MBA, says, “Several factors influenced my decision when choosing a university for my MBA. Flexibility was crucial, but the most important criterion for me was pursuing an International MBA. Over the past few years, I’ve come to realize the significance of operating on a global stage, and it was essential for me to compete professionally at an international level. This led me to seek an MBA program outside my home country that not only provided flexibility in terms of work but also aligned with my desired curriculum. The flexibility of the program at IE Business School perfectly matched my requirements. However, what ultimately drew me to choose IE Business School was their curriculum, which demonstrated thought leadership and was consistently updated to reflect the latest developments in the field.”
“IE Business School was really the only one I could find providing such a flexible program that would allow me to keep working but also build my global network.”

The Global Online MBA is most renowned for its diversity. It bills itself as a cosmopolitan program—and the numbers prove it. According to the latest report, 95% of its most recent intake are international students from at least 39 countries around the world.
Its diversity extends beyond nationalities to global connections. With most students averaging years of experience on the job, they represent a wide range of industries, including business, tech, engineering, marketing and more.
Rooted in diversity
Why do an online MBA? As a transformative academic journey that embeds you in a vibrant, multicultural ecosystem, the Global Online MBA is unmatched. It doesn’t just develop your business acumen, it also fosters international connection and a deeper respect for the value of diversity.
We recently posed this question to some students and alumni of the program—here are the most interesting responses:

1. Experience diversity and cultural exchange
Diversity isn’t just limited to the Global Online MBA. IE Business School is home to students from a diverse range of countries, making it the ideal place to broaden your cultural horizons and nurture a global mindset.
What’s more, each cohort brings unique insights that make the Global Online MBA classroom unlike any other you’ve ever seen before. The exposure to a mix of perspectives from different cultures, backgrounds, companies and professional roles enriches discussions, expands worldviews and inspires innovative thinking.
2. Engage in multifaceted networking
“I chose to study the Global Online MBA because I wanted that global network,” says alum Johanna Baare. This connection potential is one of the most common reasons why students pursue the program. After all, joining the Global Online MBA grants you unparalleled access to an international community comprising some of the top names in business today.
From industry partners to leading researchers and a world-class faculty, the Global Online MBA ecosystem is impressive. The program’s immersive, collaborative nature also makes it the perfect hub for networking.
By working alongside peers from different industries and sectors, you’ll enhance the depth and breadth of your global network and open doors to future collaborations and opportunities.

3. Enhance your learning journey
Our professors earned their stripes in different regions around the world. A wealth of firsthand experience guides the teaching styles and methodologies they apply in class. Not only does this elevate your learning experience, their varied but highly practical expertise will also help you understand global business practices and strategies in depth.
4. Gain global business insights
As you meet and interact with classmates and professors from diverse academic, professional, and cultural backgrounds, you’ll discover the hidden nuances of the global business landscape. Consequently, you’ll develop unique insights into various industries and markets and learn how to adjust business approaches in line with regional or local contexts. That’s just one way the Global Online MBA equips you to effectively tackle the complex world of international business.
5. Ace intercultural communication
Building rapport across diverse groups will refine your interpersonal and cross-cultural communication skills in no time. As it is, communication is already an essential competency in the modern workplace. So supercharge your abilities and prepare to lead global teams by mastering how to communicate and collaborate effectively with a diverse range of peers.
The value of connection during online education: Learning to build your network
“For me, the Global Online MBA really has been all about connections,” Johanna explains. She got all that and more during her time in the program. Through a blend of virtual and in-person learning, it gathers students for several residential weeks in Madrid. “After the first face-to-face week, I told everyone that I had made more friends in one week than I had in my entire life,” she adds.
She encourages other students to make the most of every in-person experience and network, network, network. “Go out, go for dinners, go for drinks, go partying—create that connection.” Not only does this make teamwork easier during the program’s virtual phases, but it’s also the key to establishing a global network that will stick with you well into the future.