Browse our nine best books for business growth in 2024.
When starting out, do yourself a favor: stand on the shoulders of giants. We’ve compiled a list of the top business books for aspiring leaders to help you do just that. Covering a range of topics pertinent to common pitfalls in the leadership journey, our must-reads for 2024 deserve top spot on your winter reading list.
Starting strong with top business books in leadership growth: consult the classics
Who doesn’t want wisdom that’s stood the test of time? Each of these three titles has rightly earned a place at the table of canon non-fiction lit. From top business books in leadership growth to pure strategic know-how, you’ll find everything you need to lay the foundations for your career. We present to you the three best business books of all time.

“How to Win Friends & Influence People” by Dale Carnegie
“How to Win Friends & Influence People” has sold over 16 million copies sold worldwide. A staple for self-help lists, Dale Carnegie’s book offers practical advice for a rewarding life. Learn how to make friends quickly, be persuasive, and hone your public-speaking skills. This is a must-read for business gurus worldwide.

“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change” by Stephen R. Covey
This mainstay bestseller focuses on fairness, integrity and honesty. A truly compelling read that’s still relevant 30 years on, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” is well worth your time.

“The Prince” by Niccolò Machiavelli
And now for something completely different! “The Prince” is an infamous piece of literature that advocates for complete ruthlessness. Yes, it lacks in conventional morality. But so are many people, so you might as well understand the way they think. Plus, who doesn’t love to get into the mind of the “bad guy”?
Leadership books to read in 2024: recent award-winners for new executives
Let’s take a step forward to present day. The following three titles are some of the best leadership books to read in 2024, honored on longlists, shortlists, and even as recent award winners. Our pick includes accounts on policymaking, management failures and ethics. Which will be your book of the year?

“Growth” by Daniel Susskind
“Growth” examines how policy makers’ focus on GDP has resulted in questionable moral decisions. The book was shortlisted for the Financial Times Business Book of the Year 2024 and named in the New Yorker Best Books of 2024. In short, it’s a knockout.

“The Unaccountability Machine” by Dan Davies
Longlisted for the Financial Times and Schroders Business Book of the Year 2024, this part-biography, part-political-thriller exposes catastrophic management failures. With fascinating insights on the writing of economist Stafford Beer, “The Unaccountability Machine” is an unflinching take on what’s gone wrong in modern capitalism.

“Higher Ground” by Alison Taylor
Alison Taylor, a professor of ethics at NYU, uses “Higher Ground” to demand more transparent business practices from company leaders. Complete with actionable tips, Taylor’s powerhouse work is ideal for knowing how to navigate modern ethical challenges.
Top business books for aspiring leaders: IE University’s top-selling leadership books
At IE University, we pride ourselves on scouring the market for the best academic books in business. That’s why we’ve created our very own catalog of essential titles for new executives in industry. Should you want to prepare fully for our admissions process, you can’t go wrong with these top-selling leadership books.

“Code Dependent: Living in the Shadow of AI” by Madhumita Murgia
AI is one hot topic, and knowing your stuff is vital for survival. “Code Dependent,” shortlisted for the Women’s Prize for Non-Fiction 2024, provides a stark look at some of the most exploitative technologies in the world today.

“The Anxious Generation” by Jonathan Haidt
Read “The Anxious Generation” for in-depth insight on the newest generation of workers. Surfing from the teen mental illness epidemic to investigations on the need for childhood play, this modern-minded business book will restore your hope in humanity.

“Work-Life Bloom: How to Nurture a Team That Flourishes” by Dan Pontefract
“Work-Life Bloom” presents groundbreaking theories on what makes us tick in the workplace. Enjoy Dan Pontefract’s insights on the human psyche and complete a free assessment to understand your work persona.
Apply tips from these top business books to our admissions process

Benjamin is the editor of Uncover IE. His writing is featured in the LAMDA Verse and Prose Anthology Vol. 19, The Primer and Moonflake Press. Benjamin provided translation for “FalseStuff: La Muerte de las Musas”, winner of Best Theatre Show at the Max Awards 2024.
Benjamin was shortlisted for the Bristol Old Vic Open Sessions 2016 and the Alpine Fellowship Writing Prize 2023.