Andrew Bertoli | IE University

Andrew Bertoli

About me

My name is Andrew Bertoli. Since coming to Spain and joining the IE University community, I’ve had the unique opportunity to grow in my personal and professional endeavors. Not only does IE University have an outstanding faculty, but their innovative approach to learning, teaching, and research has really impressed me. At the same time, the life experiences I’m gaining by living in a country that is quite different from my own truly adds to this enriching journey.

shapeAndrew Bertoli
case2Professor of the Bachelor in Economics

"No matter the personal and professional goals you set for yourself, the key to success is to find routines that you enjoy. Once you discover what those are, you should make a science out of them to become an expert in that area of life."

Andrew Bertoli

Bringing together personal and professional passions with Professor Andrew Bertoli

Today, he’s a full-time professor of the Bachelor in Economics at IE University, but that’s not where Andrew’s story begins. Before joining IE University, he taught courses on international relations and research methods at the University of California, Berkeley in his native United States. Now, his research looks at the role that sports plays in politics. He covers matters relating to how major sporting events affect relations between countries and how sports can have a significant impact on social issues.

In his classes, Andrew’s goal is to equip students with the tools they will need for success in their careers. To do so, he encourages his students to take their learning beyond the walls of the classroom. Since we are living in the information age, we have easy access to a deep well of knowledge. But Andrew also highlights that this means that students must have the ability to analyze and understand data in today’s world—a subject area that he says he also finds interesting.

While his classes cover other important topics such as probability and statistics, Andrew warns that students should be selective about the fields they choose to explore. He maintains that it’s important to dive into topics that you find interesting, without ignoring areas that will serve you in life.

Following the IE University spirit of bringing together personal and professional ambitions,  Andrew says that in his free time he enjoys keeping his brain active by studying new topics. He’s really enjoyed exploring the science of learning and aging, as well as learning about the Roman Empire, and last but not least, the current genetic revolution.

Check out in detail Andrew Bertoli's academic and corporate experience

Andrew Bertoli- testimonials | IE University
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