Alber Sabanoglu Segura

Born in Izmir, Turkey. Lived and went to school in the USA. Have been living in Spain for more than twenty years. Taught engineering, math, finance, economics in various universities in Spain and in the USA.  At the IE Business School since 2003. Teaching in MBA, Master in Finance, Master in Big Data and online blended programs.  Research interests: behavioral decision making, economic history, oral history, artificial intelligence.

Corporate Experience

• ALCATEL , Spain, Research and Development, Engineer.  1991-93

Academic Experience

• Adjunct Professor, Operations and Finance. IE School of Business. 2003-present

• Assistant Professor, Universidad Alfonso X, Madrid 1996-98

• Assistant Professor, Carlos III University, Madrid 1994-96

• Instructor, Tufts University, USA, 1984-89

Academic Background

• B.S. Engineering, B.A. History, Brown University, USA, 1983

• M.A. Mathematics Tufts University, USA, 1986


Last Name
Sabanoglu Segura