Alfonso López García

Alfonso López is Associate Professor at IE University. With a career of more than 23 years, Alfonso has extensive experience in various media outlets, both in print, online and on the radio, as well as in the teaching field. PHD in communications, he leaded and promote the communications, crisis management and marketing strategies of 3AW, an international communications agency. He is also cofounder of the tech, art and fashion company MÄKELISMOS.


• Cofounder, MÄKELISMOS BRAND, Spain, 2020 – Present

• Columnist, El Independiente, Spain, 2019 – 2021

• Dircom, 3AW Agency, Spain, 2015 – 2020

• Content, Thinking Heads, Spain, 2014 – 2015

• Content Manager, EFE Agency, Spain, 2012 – 2014

• Content Manager,, Spain, 2013 – 2014

• Comm Manager, EO Unlimited, Spain, 2013

• Editor in Chief, Qué! Vocento, Spain, 2005 – 2012

• Editor in Chief, Sur Madrid, Spain, 2000 – 2005

More: Punto Radio, Caballo Films. Freelance. Publish in El Mundo, El País, ABC, El Correo, Diario Vasco, Diario Montañés…

Book: Saboteadores y Guerrilleros. Espasa Editorial, Spain, 2019


• Adjunct Professor of Communication, IE University, Spain, 2018 – Present

• Mentor at Area 31. IE Business School, Spain, 2015 – Present

• Adjunct Professor of Communication and Marketing, CEU University, Spain, 2018 – Present


• Ph.D. in Communication, CEU San Pablo University, Spain, 2017

• Bachelor in Journalism, CEU San Pablo University, Spain, 1997 – 2001

Alfonso López García | IE University
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López García