Andrés Camacho Donezar

Andres Camacho is an experienced professional with 20 years of practice in M&A, corporate finance, strategic planning and general management.

He is the current Director of Mobility at Grupo Ferrovial, reporting directly to the CEO of the Group.

Andres obtained a bachelor in Business Administration from Deusto University (Bilbao, Spain) with a specialitation in Finance from the ESCP (Paris, France). He also holds a MSc in Local Economic Development by the London School of Economics (LSE). He started his career as a financial analyst in Goldman Sachs, London. He then spent a year as a strategy consultant in Accenture in London, and then move to Spain to do M&A and structured finance in the infrastructure conglomerate ACS. In 2008, he moved to Ferrovial to join the Strategy and the area. During this time, he was in charge of the definition and implementation of the strategic plan of the company, the execution of all M&A transactions, the integration of the new companies into Ferrovial and the internationalisation of the division into new countries. In 2019, he was appointed Director of Mobility for the whole of Grupo Ferrovial.


• Director of Mobility, Grupo Ferrovial, Spain, 2019 – Present

• Director of Strategy and Corporate Development, Ferrovial Services, Spain, 2014 – 2019

• Director of Integration, Amey plc, UK, 2013 – 2014

• Director of Corporate Development, Ferrovial Services, Spain, 2008 – 2014

• Financial Associate, Grupo ACS, Spain, 2005 – 2008

• Strategy manager, Accenture, UK, 2004 – 2005

• Financial Analyst, Goldman Sachs, UK, 1999 – 2003


• Adjunct Professor of Strategic Management, IE University, Spain, 2018 – Present


• Msc in Local Academic Development, London School of Economics, 2003

• Major in Finance, ESCP, France, 1994

• Bachelor´s degree in Business Administration, Deusto University, 1994

Last Name
Camacho Donezar