Berta Aguinaga Barrilero

Specialized in Corporate Criminal Law. In particular, in crimes against Heritage and Socioeconomic order, crime related to Intellectual and Industrial Property, Market and Consumers, Corporate Crimes, Money Laundering and Crimes against the Public Treasury. With wide experience in forensic and judicial proceedings before Investigating Courts, Criminal Courts, Audiencias Provinciales and the Audiencia Nacional.

Berta is also specialized in the design, implementation and development of Criminal Compliance Programs for all types of companies (listed and SMEs). She is Compliance lecturer at the Instituto de Empresa (IE) and has been a speaker at seminars related to different criminal matters, including the criminal liability of legal persons.


• Professor of Criminal Compliance in the Master’s Degree in Access to Law at IE Business School, 2019 – Present

• Managing Partner of the Criminal Law Department of Ontier, 2015 – Present

• Senior Associate of the Criminal Law Department of CMS Albiñana & Suarez de Lezo, 2014 – 2015

• Senior associate of the Criminal Law Department of Garrigues, 2003 – 2013


• Law Degree and Diploma in Business Studies from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE) (E-1)

• Master in Criminal Procedural Law and Criminal Law from the School of Legal Practice of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid in 2005

• Master in Penitentiary Law from the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid, 2009

Berta Aguinaga Barrilero
Last Name
Aguinaga Barrilero