Borja de Arístegui Arroyo

Borja de Aristegui currently teaches two undergraduate courses “World Order and Geopolitics” and “Can States Collaborate?” at IE University.

Furthermore, he teaches at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria where he has designed and delivered courses such as “Peace and Security”, “Geopolitics”, “US Foreign Policy”, “The Modern Middle East”, “International Organizations”, and “Mediation, Negotiation, and Conflict Resolution”.

In addition, he has lectured at King’s College London, where he taught “Contemporary Spanish Politics” and “20th Century Spain”, as well as at the Lebanese International University in Beirut, Lebanon, where he delivered the courses “Western Civilization” and “Public Affairs and Campaigning”. Finally, he was a Teaching Associate in the Master of International Relations at Queen Mary University of London, delivering the course “Themes and Cases in US Foreign Policy”.

He has extensive experience in geopolitical analysis. Apart from his academic interests, he writes periodically for La Razón, one of Spain’s leading national newspapers on diverse developments in international politics. He has been a guest of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly to provide insights on the geopolitical developments Libya to the parliamentarians from all over the alliance.

He holds a BA in History and Political Science from McGill University in Canada, and an MA in International Relations from SOAS, University of London.


• Adjunct Professor of International Relations and Geopolitics, IE University, Spain, 2021 – Present

• Lecturer of International Relations and Geopolitics, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Spain, 2018 – Present

• Part-time Lecturer of History of Spain and Spanish Politics, King’s College London, United Kingdom, 2021 – 2021

• Teaching Associate of International Relations, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom, 2018 – 2018

• Lecturer, Lebanese International University, Lebanon, 2016 – 2017


• Master of Arts in Global Diplomacy, School of Oriental and African Studies SOAS (University of London), United Kingdom, 2017

• Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and History, McGill University, Canada, 2007

Borja de Arístegui Arroyo
Last Name
de Arístegui Arroyo