Brezo Martos Marcos

Brezo Martos Marcos has developed a wide variety of professional experiences in directive, executive, technical, and creative roles. Throughout her career, she has used her diverse skills set to take on challenges that require cross-disciplinary expertise. Her versatile, flexible profile has prepared her to face the profound evolution that real estate is currently undergoing.

Martos Marcos has led financial, commercial, marketing, advertising, international expansion, technical, and human resource projects at a large number of companies, where she has also held top management positions. She has worked as Chief Architect at Osepsa, and as Deputy CEO and CEO at Grupo Arensa. Since 2016, she has been Managing Partner of AMBITARE Architecture Strategies, and since 2019, she has served as Advisory Counselor of Urban Strategy at the Fundación Pablo Iglesias. With more than 15 years of international experience in real estate, Martos Marcos is a confident leader of highly specialized staff and a competent manager of multidisciplinary organizations.

Martos Marcos’s work is focused on analyzing the issues faced by cities in the 21st century, and seeking solutions from holistic, multidisciplinary, public, and private perspectives. Her team won the first International Reinventing Cities contest, which seeks to promote resilient, socially- and environmentally sustainable urban regeneration. She has also been a speaker at a number of Spanish panel discussions on cities, sustainability, innovation, and technology.

Martos Marcos earned her degree in Architecture from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in 1999, and completed her executive MBA in Construction, Real Estate, and Infrastructure at the EOI Escuela de Organización Industrial in 2011.


• Building External Advisor, Life Unify Project, Climate Action Network Europe, 2021 – Present

• Managing Partner, AMBITARE Architecture Strategies, Spain, 2016 – Present

• Advisory Councillor (Urban Strategy), Fundación Pablo Iglesias, Madrid, 2018 – 2020

• CEO, Grupo Arensa, Spain, 2012 – 2017

• Chief Architect, Ocepsa, 2004 – 2017


• Associate Adjunct Professor, IE School of Architecture and Design, IE University,  2020 – Present


• Women in Management Boards, IESE business School, 2015

• Executive MBA, Construction and Infrastructures, Escuela de Organización Industrial, 2010 – 2012

• Architecture, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 1991 – 1999

Brezo Martos Marcos | IE University
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Martos Marcos