Brian Charles Winans

Brian C. Winans graduated with departmental honors from Northwestern University, receiving a double major in Mathematical Methods in Social Sciences and Economics. He obtained his Masters in Management, specializing in Telecom and Digital Business at IE, ranking number one of all full-time students.

Brian has previously worked as a U.S. diplomat, serving in both South America and Europe. He also has experience working in various forms of consulting (management as well as R&D and innovation), most recently focusing on digital consulting.  He helped create the Business Intelligence unit within a social media network, as well as was the Head of Business Intelligence at a digital marketing agency.  

He currently teaches Business Intelligence for Startups, various mathematics and programming classes and is final thesis supervisor and has received various awards for his teaching prowess.  In addition, he is currently developing a startup project of his own.

Corporate Experience

• CEO and Co-Founders, My Own Tale, Spain, 2019 - Present

• Digital Consultant, BinaryKnowledge, Spain, 2015 - 2016

• Head of Business Intelligence / Product Manager, flash2flash, Spain, 2013 - 2014

• Project and Business Intelligence Manager, Tuenti, Spain, 2012 - 2013

• Innovation Consultant, Bax & Willems, Spain, 2010 - 2012

• Business Development Manager, Blinklearning, Spain, 2010

• U.S. diplomat, Non-Immigrant Visa Section – US Consulate Florence, Italy, 2006 - 2008

• U.S. diplomat, Economic Section – US Embassy Bogotá, Colombia, 2005 - 2006

• U.S. diplomat, Non-Immigrant Visa Section – US Embassy Bogotá, Colombia, 2004 - 2005

• Independent Contractor, BP, Global Energy Company, USA, 2002 - 2003

• Efficiency Specialist, Quebecor World Logistics, USA, 2001 - 2002

• Business Analyst, A.T. Kearney Inc., USA, 2000 - 2001 

Academic Experience

• Adjunct Professor of Mathematics for Management, IE University, Spain, 2024 - Present

• Adjunct Professor of Problem Solving, IE University, Spain, 2023 - Present

• Adjunct Professor of Applied Business Mathematics, IE University, Spain, 2023 - Present

• Adjunct Professor of Citizen Programming Lab, IE University, Spain, 2022 - Present

• Adjunct Professor of Coding Principles for Management, IE University, Spain, 2021 - 2023

• Adjunct Professor of Introduction to Programming, IE University, Spain, 2020 - Present

• Adjunct Professor of Final Project/Theses, IE University, Spain, 2016 - Present

• Adjunct Professor of Business Intelligence for Startups, IE University, Spain, 2015 - Present 

Academic Background

• Masters in Management: concentration Telecom & Digital Business, IE Business School, Spain, 2010

• Bachelor of Arts, double major: Mathematical Methods in Social Sciences and Economics; advanced mathematics program, Northwestern University, USA, 2000

Brian Charles Winans - Faculty | IE
Brian Charles
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