Daniel Laya


Daniel has worked for more than 20 years leading HR, Marketing and Customer Care functions in FMCG and utilities multinational companies. During this journey he enjoyed leading change projects in South America, Middle East and Western Europe.

In 2013 started his own consultancy firm: mIDentity, focused on developing and implementing technologies and methodologies to accelerate organizational change. It’s most recent endeavours are:

• Artificial Intelligence Chatbots development to support leadership development processes

• Evaluation of wearable devices in partnership with MIT’s start up Humanyze, to improve cohesion in organizational teams

• Use of the "Immunity to Change" methodology created by Harvard University professors Kegan and Lahey to boost organizational team’s efficiency

• Adaptation of Agile methodologies to support culture change

• Using innovative approaches has supported the development of leadership teams and team members in organizations that range from full scale multinationals to NGOs and SMEs such as: Loreal, Unicef, Marionnaud, Mahou, Pikolin, Ferrovial, Segur Ibérica, Alares, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, RAIS, Action Against Hunger, Müpro among others.

His collaborative approach is the reason why he maintains strong alliances with other organizations such as Tao Leadership in the UK, Izada, Connecting Dots and Grupo Persona in Spain.

Daniel is a professional certified coach (PCC) by the International Coaching Federation and a certified Immunity to Change methodology facilitator, trained by professors Kegan and Lahey themselves.

With solid background in business and leadership development, his aim is to support individuals and organizations during their evolution processes in a pragmatic yet powerful way to enable the achievement of their strategic goals.

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