Elena Garrigues

C-suite executive specialized in international business development and business transformation, with a macro level perspective and affinity for constant innovation.

A global managing director and multifaceted profesional, Elena started her career as a journalist (foreign correspondent for the largest Spanish media group) but later moved on to financial services and wealth management (Chase Manhattan Bank, JPMorgan Chase). She has also worked in corporate reputation, CSR and innovation (Garrigues law firm). Her current job is in the legal field, as an international consultant. 

She serves on three non-profits boards: inclusive entrepreneurship (Nantik Lum) human rights (RFK Human Rights Spain) and children and adolescents’ rights (ANAR). 

Elena is also an award-winning photographer. 

She speaks fluent Spanish, English and French, conversational in German and Italian.

Worked abroad in New York (12 years); London (3 years); Brussels (2 years).  

Corporate Experience

• International consultant, Garrigues, Spain, 2018 - Present

• Managing Director, Intangibles, Garrigues, Spain, 2006 - 2018

• Several positions, JP Morgan Chase, US, UK, Spain, 1992 - 2002

- Corporate Finance, Latin America, and Europe

- Family Wealth platform, London

- Strategy and marketing, New York

• Art gallery manager, M.J. Pinto & Co, New York, 1990 - 1991

• Commercial Paper trader, Chase Manhattan Bank, Spain, 1988 - 1989

• Head of Foreign Desk and International correspondent (EU/NATO), Cambio 16/Diario16, 1983 - 1987

Academic Experience

• Adjunct Professor of Legal and Business Ethics (Unplugged I), IE University, Spain, 2023 - Present 

• Lecturer and mentor at various institutions such as IE, Harvard Law School, IESE, ESADE, Porto Business School

Academic Background

• LLB and Business Administration diploma from ICADE (Madrid) 1976 - 1981

• MS in Journalism from Columbia University (NY) 1981 - 1983

• LLM in International Law from Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels) 1986 - 1987

• Exec Ed (2006 - 2018):

- Digital Transformation (Berkeley Law/ICADE)

- Board members executive program (ESADE/PwC)

- Digital Technologies (Centro de Estudios Garrigues)

- Making Innovation Happen (London Business School)

- General Management Program (IESE Business School) 

Elena Garrigues | IE
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