Elena Pérez

Elena Pérez Garrigues, Master Architect by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM), is the Founder and Design Director of Ninom, an internationally awarded, multidisciplinary architectural design practice founded in 2006, based in Madrid, with satellite offices in Shanghai and Kuala Lumpur.

Elena’s work spans from Architecture and Heritage Renovation to Interior Design and Scenography, including the refurbishment of Cvne Winery (Best of Wine Tourism Architecture 2010), Chen Yifei Museum in Zhu Jia Jiao (Shanghai), and Tussore scenography, performed in Teatro Real of Madrid.

Her work has been widely published on international magazines including Detail, AIT, Formas de Proyectar and Philip Jodidio´s Taschen Books: Architecture Now! Eat, Shop, Drink; and has been shown in several exhibitions as “Grandes vinos, Nueva Arquitectura” at COAM and “Arquitectura en Danza” at COAAvila. Her scenography work has been granted to be developed through several Artistic Residences of Casa Encendida and Alcalá de Henares University, or the Creation Grant of la Nave del Duende in Cáceres.

Currently, Elena teaches first year Design Studio at IE School of Architecture and Design, and Interior Design at IED. She has been Honorary Lecturer at the Hong Kong University in the Shanghai Study Centre, HKU-SSC, teaching Urban and Architecture Design Studio.

She has formerly been professor at the Master on Creative Intelligence, Design and Communication of the UPM, awarded with the Teaching Excellence. She has also been invited to share her work at several Universities and Institutions as Tongji University in Shanghai (Sino Spanish Dialogue on Contemporary Architecture), the Tel Aviv University (Tilanqiao: The future of the Jewish settlement in Shanghai) or Intermediae-Matadero. (Alterpolis Urban Lab).

Elena also serves as the Vice-president of SAS, Spanish Architects Society in China, which she founded herself in 2012 to foster connection and knowledge transfer between the agents involved in the architectural process of China and Spain.

Corporate Experience

  • Founder and Design Director, Ninom, based in Madrid, Shanghai and Kuala Lumpur. Since 2006
  • Vice-President of SAS, China. Since 2012

Academic Experience

  • Adjunct Professor of Design Studio in the Bachelor in Architectural Studies at IE School of Architecture and Design
  • Professor of Interior Design at IED
  • Former professor in the Master on Creative Intelligence, Design and Communication at the UPM
  • Lecturer at Tongji University (Shanghai), Tel Aviv University, and Intermediae Matadero.

Academic Background

  • Master Architect by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM)
Last Name
Design Studio