Fernando García Pino

Fernando García Pino is an architect and educator who teaches at IE University and the Polytechnic University in Madrid. Since 1999 Fernando Pino has collaborated Manuel G. Paredes, after their early success in various competitions they opened their own office, Paredes Pino Architects, in 2001.

Pino began his career, while still in university, through a collaboration with the office of Mansilla and Tuñón Architects. After five successful years of working together, he moved to the office Juan Navarro Baldeweg, where he took on the responsibilities of project team leader for national and international projects, including the urban park, “Balcón  del  Guadalquivir” and Martos Mill in Córdoba, Spain; the Knowledge Institute in Amersfoort, Netherlands; and the Hertziana Library in Rome. His work with Paredes Pino Architects has earned his firm more than 20 prizes in national and international open competitions, including  Europan V, Cartagena, Spain; CAAC, Córdoba, Spain; Social housing EMVSM, Madrid, Spain;, Campus of Justice “Juzgados de lo Contencioso Administrativo” , Madrid, Spain; Gymnastic Pavilion and Access and Service Buildings for the  Olympic Games Madrid 2020; and a Multipurpose Building, Guadalajara, Spain. The firm’s work has been published in a variety of international and national magazines, including Arquitectura Viva, El Croquis, AV projects, BAU, Pasajes, MARK, Bauwelt, VIA, Detail, A+U Japan, A+T, Future, Domus and Lotus. Recently the monograph Excepto 24 “Light Machinery”, has published their work in a collection dedicated to the most interesting studios in Madrid.  They have just completed a research project about transformable furniture systems, which has resulted in a patent and the launch of Redo-me®.

Fernando García Pino received his architecture degree in 2000 from the School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. He is International Phd cum laude for the High School of Architecture (ETSAM) at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM).

Last Name
García Pino
Co-founder of Paredes Pino Architects