Fernando Navarrete Rojas

Fernando Navarrete holds an Economics degree from Universidad Complutense de Madrid and a Masters degree in Economics and Finance from CEMFI. He currently works as Chief of Staff to the Governor at Banco de España. He previously served in government as Secretary General of the Spanish Treasury in charge of financial policies and public debt management. Previously, he worked as Chief Financial Officer and Head of Strategy at State-owned bank Instituto de Crédito Ofical (ICO). Before re-joining the public sector he worked as head of the Economics and Public Policy department at think tank FAES. Previously he worked as senior economist at Banco de España in the Financial Regulation Department. 

Corporate Experience

• Chief of staff to the Governor. Banco de España, Spain, 2018 - Present

• Secretary general of the Treasury, Spanish government, 2018

• Chief Financial Officer and Head of strategy, Instituto de Crédito Oficial, Spain, 2012 - 2018

• Head of the Economics and Public Policy, FAES, Spain, 2007 - 2012

• Senior Economist, Banco de España, Spain, 2002 - 2007 

Academic Experience

• Adjunct Professor, Monetary Economics, IE University, Spain, 2023 - Present 

• Adjunct Professor, Lessons from the financial Crisis, IE University, Spain, 2019

• Adjunct Professor, Institutions of International Financial Stability, IE Business School, Spain, 2023 - 2018

• Adjunct Professor, Financial Regulation, Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset, Spain, 2010 - 2018

• Adjunct Professor, Global Financial Regulation, CUNEF, Spain, 2012 - 2014

• Adjunct Professor, Global Economic Environment, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Spain, 2010 - 2011

Academic Background

• Master Degree in Economics and Finance by Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros (CEMFI), Spain, 2001

• Master Degree in Security and Defense by Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and Centro Superior de Estudios de la Defensa Nacional (CESEDEN), Spain, 2004

• Leadership Program in Public Management, IESE, Spain, 2005

• Graduate with honors in Economics by Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Spain, 1999

A professional portrait of a man wearing glasses, a dark suit, blue shirt, and pink tie.
Last Name
Navarrete Rojas