Fernando Soria Prados

Fernando Soria has an extensive professional career working for almost 30 years in a multinational company such 3M in areas of Sales, Marketing, Strategy and Communication. He has hold positions at national and European level in different markets like Consumer, Office supplies, Pharmacy and DIY. Currently he is independent Consultant, Business Angel and professor in different Universities. He is currently studying the influences of social networks on purchasing decisions. He loves walking and everything that is around wine culture.

Corporate Experience

• Advisor, www.Melboss.com, 2018 - Present

• Corporate Marketing and Strategic Planning Director, 3M Iberia, 2015 - 2018

• Business Director Consumer and Office, 3M Iberia, 2009 - 2015

• Different positions in Sales and Marketing, 3M Spain & 3M Europe, 1990 - 2008

Academic Experience

• Adjunct Professor of Marketing, IE University, Spain, 2019 - Present

• Adjunct Professor of Marketing and Strategy, CUNEF University, Spain, 2019 - Present

• Adjunct Professor of Marketing, Sales, Digital, E-commerce, ESIC University, Spain, 2018 - Present

Academic Background

• Design Thinking and Innovation – Emeritus, Singapur, 2020

• DIBEX – Digital Transformation Course, ISDI, Spain, 2018

• MBA in Business Administration ESCP – EAP, Spain, 1995

• Bachelor in Business Administration, CUNEF (UCM), Spain, 1988

Last Name
Soria Prados