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- Francisco López Lubián
Francisco López Lubián
Francisco J. López Lubián is an adjunct professor at IE. With thirty years of experience in teaching, he has been assistant professor at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and associate professor in the department of control at IESE. He combined this teaching career with an intense career in business as a financial analyst at Hewlett-Packard, controller for the Sarrió Group, financial director for Sarrió Tisú and general financial director for the Isolux Group.
In his own words, “My main focus of interest is to discover how to create economic value and orient decisions in order to achieve it”.
An area where he has numerous research cases, teaching notes, and academic publications in journals like the Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, the Case Research Journal, the Journal of Financial Education, the Business Case Journal, the Journal of Business Valuation, and books like Dirección de Negocios y Creación de Valor (CISS, 2000) Valoración de Empresas en la Práctica (McGraw Hill, 2001) Finanzas Corporativas en la Práctica (McGraw Hill, 2002), Decisiones Empresariales y Sentido Común (Mcgraw Hill, 2003), Opciones Reales y Valoración de Activos (Prentice Hall, 2004) , Bolsa, Mercados y Técnicas de Inversión (McGraw Hill, 2005), Finanzas en mercados internacionales (McGraw Hill, 2006), Casos prácticos en Finanzas Corporativas (Thomson, 2007), Inversiones alternativas (Especial Directivos, Wolters Kluwer, 2008), Cómo gestionar el riesgo corporativo (Especial Directivos, Wolters Kluwer, 2009), Fusiones y Adquisiciones en la práctica (Delta Publicaciones, 2011), Saca partido a tus ahorros (Lid Editorial, 2012) and An Executive Guide to Corporate Restructuring (Pelgrave 2014).
Professor López Lubián regularly contributes to leading newspapers, including Financial Times, and for the last five years has collaborated with Actualidad Económica journal and Expansión newspaper to publish the ranking of value creation for the shareholder. He is currently researching best corporate practices that create value for the shareholder. “I consider this to be an extremely interesting subject, because there have been reforms everywhere to bring about good governance, but no-one has analysed if these practices really create value”.
López Lubián is an expert in financial valuation and analysis, and is a visiting professor of the International MBA at Universidad Adolfo Ibañez in Chile, and the Master in Finance at Universidad San Andrés in Argentina. He is a Doctor of Economics from Universidad Barcelona and holds an MBA from IESE. He undertook postdoctoral studies at Harvard Business School as a visiting scholar. Furthermore he is a member of the North American Case Research Association (NACRA) and the Society of Case Research.
Academic Background
• PhD in Economics & Business Sciences, Universidad de Barcelona
• MBA, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa, IESE
• Individual Studies Program Graduate Business School, Harvard University
• Degree in Economics & Business Sciences, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Professional Background
• Director of the Finance Department, IE (1997 - 2006) (2013 - 2018)
• Director of the Master in Financial and Control Management (1997 - 2001)
• Financial Manager, Grupo Isolux, Madrid (1993 - 1996)
• Financial Director, Grupo Digsa, Zaragoza-Madrid (1990 - 1992)
• Financial Manager of Sarrio Tisú (1989 - 1990)
• Controller and Financial Director of “Grupo Sarrió”, Sarrió, C.PAGEL., Barcelona (1986 - 89)
Teaching and Research Experience
• Adjunct Professor of Financial Management, IE (2019 - present)
• Professor of Financial Management, IE (1996 - 2019)
• Assistant Professor of Management Control, Universidad de Navarra, IESE, Barcelona (1981 - 1984)
• Assistant Professor of Economic Theory, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1975 - 1979)