Germán Alejandro Borra Torres

Germán Borra is passionate about technology, business and people development. He currently works as Sales Executive at BMC Software and teaches as an Adjunct Professor at IE University teaching BDIT (Business Driven IT), Cloud Foundations and Management IS.

He considers himself a lover of photography, passionate about travel and sports; in fact he highlights as one of his best experiences having participated in a charity Trail of 100km – 20 hrs nonstop. His great social conscience has led Germán to collaborate with several NGOs, volunteering in Kenya in 2018 and since then, being an active member of this NGO supporting the education of children in that country.

Although his academic background started studying Industrial Engineering, with a PHD at the University of Ghent, his performance and professional career has taken place in the technological field, starting at Hewlett Packard, passing through Oracle, Amadeus and currently at BMC Software.

Within his personal and professional development plan, he chose to pursue an EMBA at IE Business School in 2018 (GPA 3,69 – Top 10 of my promotion – Recognised Betta Gamma Signa). This experience and the passion for developing people’s talent, drove him to work as a teacher, having the opportunity to work as an associate professor at IE University since 2020. Germán highlights that: “It is an honour to have the possibility to connect education with the labour market and vice versa. This helps to be in a continuous learning, growth and improvement both personally and professionally”.

His two current roles (BMC & IE University) have led him to promote a synergy between the two companies, which has materialised in a collaboration framework aimed at attracting and developing the talent of IE graduates and alumni in the world of technology.


• Senior Sales Executive, BMC Software, Spain, 2019 – Present

• Sales Manager, Amadeus, Spain, 2017 – 2019

• Sales Executive, Oracle, Spain, 2015 – 2017

• Sales Executive, Hewllet Packard, Spain, 2013 – 2015

• Inside Sales, Hewllet Packard, Spain, 2011 – 2013


• Adjunct Professor of Technology subjects, IE University, Spain, 2020 – Present

Subjects: BDIT, MIS y Cloud Foundations


• MBA, IE Business School, Spain, 2019

• Master’s degree in industrial engineering (Management field), University of Vigo, Spain, 2011

• PHD, University of Ghent, Belgium, 2011

German Alejandro Borra Torres | IE University
Germán Alejandro
Last Name
Borra Torres