Jaume Manero Font

Jaume Manero is a professor in Artificial Intelligence specializing in Machine and Deep Learning. Currently works in a global IT company (T4S in the VASS group) bringing advanced innovation into companies in Europe.

He has a PhD in Artificial Intelligence awarded in 2020 by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya which was qualified with a Cum Laude mention.

He is currently an adjunct professor at IE University in Madrid and Faculty at Dalhousie University in Canada, teaching courses at the post-graduate level at both universities.

He is an active member of the High-Performance Computing Group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, where he performs his research applying Artificial Intelligence to renewable energy optimization and transformation.


Jaume Manero has an extensive experience in the IT sector in leading global companies.

• He started his career at SAP in Walldorf, moving to Madrid Spain to develop the Spanish business

• He has been Partner at PwC Consulting until the acquisition of PwC by IBM in 2003

• Executive Partner at IBM Consulting until 2018

• Intelligent Enterprise Director at T4S Today


• Adjunct Professor at IE since 2018

• Adjunct Faculty at Dalhousie University since 2020

• Collaborating with projects with Dalhousie University and the University of Waterloo (Canada)

• Barcelona Supercomputing Center Researcher

• More than 10 research papers in peer-reviewed journals


• Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science Department, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (July 2020)

• MSc in Computer Science, specialization in Artificial Intelligence,Facultat d’Informàtica Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

• BA in Computer Science, Facultat d’Informàtica, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Jaume Manero Font | IE University
Last Name
Manero Font
Director Intelligent Enterprise | Artificial Intelligence Business Implementation | AI Researcher