Javier Gilsanz Usunaga

Javier is a litigation lawyer; he is a partner in PricewaterhouseCoopers Tax & Legal (Madrid). He has more than 20 years of experience in litigation representing clients in criminal and civil disputes. Additionally, he has an extensive experience in criminal compliance. 

Javier teaches civil and criminal litigation in different universities and other institutions. His main area of interest is comparative litigation (USA- Spain). 

Corporate Experience

• More than 20 years of experience in Litigation

• Partner in the Litigation department of PricewaterhouseCoopers Tax & Legal (Madrid), 2007 - Present

Academic Experience

• Professor of Procedural Law at Garrigues Study Center, 2015 - 2022

• Professor of Litigation law ICADE, 2016

• Adjunct Professor of Litigation at IE University,  2017 - 2022

Academic Background

• Ph.D. in Procedural Law (cum laude), Law School, Complutense University, 2009

• Graduate in Law School, Complutense University, 2001

• Master’s in business law, Garrigues Study Center, 2002

Javier Gilsanz Usunaga
Last Name
Gilsanz Usunaga