Júlia López Ventura

Júlia López Ventura has over 17 years’ experience working with cities. She is the Regional Director for Europe at C40 Cities since 2015. Her role focuses on supporting mayors of the largest European cities in their fight against climate change by placing urban sustainability at the core of the city’s decisions. She is also responsible for the vision, overview and coordination of the organization’s work in the European region in the fields of city diplomacy, campaigns and events aimed at making the case for cities in influencing climate decisions of supranational actors like the United Nations or the European Commission.

Before joining C40, Júlia worked for over a decade for the city of Barcelona. She developed collaborative relationships with institutions such as the European Commission and the World Bank, attracted key European funding to develop Barcelona’s Smart City strategy and developed an international urban knowledge transfer strategy by co-leading Barcelona’s candidacy for the first European Innovation Capital (which Barcelona won).

She is an effective communicator and experience public speaker, often featured in national and international media and has served as expert on global cities in multiple expert groups.

Júlia has lectured at several universities, including the UPC Foundation in Barcelona, the UIMP in Santander and the IE University in Madrid, with courses on City Strategy and Governance. She is a languages learning passionate and fluent speaker of English, French, Spanish, Italian and Catalan and holds an MSc in Telecom engineering from the UPC in Barcelona.

Corporate Experience

• European Regional Director at C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group Inc, London, 2015 - Present

• Head of International Smart City Office, Barcelona City Council, 2012 - 2015

• IT International Office Manager, Barcelona City Council, 2007 - 2012

Academic Experience

• Adjunct Faculty of Global Master’s in Real Estate Development, IE University, Spain, 2020 - Present

• Masterclasses on Sustainable Cities, Summer courses of UIMP, Spain, 2015 - 2016

• Masterclasses on Smart Cities, Smart Mobility post-graduate education, UPC, Spain, 2013 - 2015

Academic Background

• MSc in Telecom Engineering, Telecom BCN, UPC, Spain, 2007

Júlia López Ventura
Last Name
López Ventura